Fill It First Game
Est. Class Sessions: 1Developing the Lesson
Demonstrate the Game. Read the game directions on the Fill it First Game page in the Student Guide. Demonstrate the game using displays of the Fill It First Score Sheet and the Fill It First Spinner pages from the Student Activity Book.
Each team fills their graduated cylinder to the 50 cc mark, using an eyedropper for accurancy. The first team spins to determine the number of marbles (one, two, three, or four) to put into their graduated cylinder. Before actually adding the marbles, team members predict the total volume of all the marbles in their cylinder after the marbles are added. See Figure 1. Then, they carefully roll their marbles into the cylinder. If the prediction is correct, the team scores one point for each marble added. A bonus of three points is awarded to the first team that has a total of 20 cc of marbles in their cylinder. The team with the highest score wins.
Note that some marbles may not be of uniform size. Therefore, the increments may not be exact for students to make their predictions. This only adds challenge to the game.
Discuss Reasonable Predictions. After students understand the logistics of the game, discuss what constitutes a reasonable or “correct” prediction.
The class should come to consensus about what is considered a reasonable prediction in this game. A prediction within 1 cc of the result is a logical choice, but this can be their decision.
Play the Game. Students will need the Fill It First Score Sheet and the Fill It First Spinner pages from the Student Activity Book. Divide students into pairs. Two teams of two students each play the game. Distribute the materials you organized before the lesson to student teams. Each team can play the game at least twice.