Patterns and Problems
Est. Class Sessions: 1–2End-of-Year Test
The End-of-Year Test Assessment Master in the Teacher Guide can be used to assess students on concepts and skills learned in Units 7–13. Students take the End-of-Year Test independently. This test is designed to take one class period; however, make adjustments if more time is needed. Students read and follow directions for each item. If all the units have not been completed, choose items that are appropriate for your class.
The first part of this test can be used to assess competency with the use of paper-and-pencil methods and mental math strategies for computation and estimation. This part of the test is completed without a calculator. Students can use the Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division Strategies Menus in the Reference section of the Student Guide for the first part of the test. After students complete Part 1, they may begin Part 2. Students should have a calculator, a ruler, fraction circle pieces, and base-ten pieces available for their use. Students can also use the Fraction Chart page from the Reference section of the Student Guide for Part 2 of this assessment.