Lesson 2

Measure with Links

Est. Class Sessions: 1–2

Daily Practice and Problems

Teacher Notes

Take a handful of counters (e.g., connecting cubes, beans, tiles) and display them for the students.

1–3. Answers will vary depending on the number of counters in the handful.

4. When appropriate, prompt students to begin by drawing plates for each person who will receive a share. Ask:

  • How many people will share the counters?
  • How many plates will you draw?
  • How are you going to share the counters? (Responses will vary. Possible responses: Place one counter at a time on the plates until they are all shared. I kept moving the counters around until the plates all had the same number of counters.)

F. Sharing Counters

Pull a handful of counters. How would you share the counters fairly with:

  1. two people? Two groups of ______ and ______ left over
  2. three people? Three groups of ______ and ______ left over
  3. four people? Four groups of ______ and ______ left over
  4. Draw pictures to show how you shared the counters in Question 3.