Lesson 2

Introduce Base-Ten Pieces

Est. Class Sessions: 3–4

Daily Practice and Problems

Teacher Notes

List the prices in Question 2 on a display and assign items to these eight prices. For example, a folder costs 21¢. Encourage students to share their solution strategies. Students can use tools such as a 200 Chart, number line, or connecting cubes.

  1. 52 cents; 25 + 27 = 52
  2. Answers will vary.
    Possible answers: 40¢ + 12¢, 36¢ + 16¢, 21¢ + 31¢, and 17¢ + 35¢
  3. Answers will vary. Possible response: I looked for ways to make fifty and noticed 21¢ and 31¢. Then, I checked to see that the numbers would make a sum of 52¢.

D. Price Tags

Use a number line, connecting cubes, or 200 Chart.

  1. You have 25 cents in one pocket and 27 cents in the other. How much money do you have altogether? Write a number sentence to show this problem.
  2. You must spend all your money. Circle two items you can buy.
    21¢ 35¢ 17¢ 12¢
    31¢ 40¢ 36¢ 16¢
  3. Show or tell how you decided.