Lesson 4

Many Ways to Make a Number

Est. Class Sessions: 2

Daily Practice and Problems

Teacher Notes
    1. 7:00
    2. At the 8 to show 8:00.
    3. 12 hours
    1. 3:25
    2. The hour hand is between three and four and the minute hand is 25 minutes past the hour.

Ongoing Assessment

Use DPP item M to assess students' abilities to tell time to the nearest five minutes on an analog clock [E9].

M. Telling Time

    1. What is this time? _______________________
    2. If one hour passes, where will the hour hand be pointing?


    3. How many hours will pass until the hour hand shows this time again?


    1. What is this time? _______________________
    2. Explain how you know.

