Lesson 5

Comparing and Ordering

Est. Class Sessions: 2

Daily Practice and Problems

Teacher Notes

Answers will vary. Students can skip count by 5s and 10s to determine the current number of nickels and dimes in the Nickel and Dime jars. They should be able to tell by looking at the Quarter jar what the current number of quarters is. Then they add the 12 pennies, making trades as necessary.

P. Coin Jar

  1. How much money is in each jar today? _________
  2. How much money is in all four jars together? _________
  3. In 12 days, how many pennies will be in the Penny jar _________
  4. In 12 days, how many nickels will be in the Nickel jar? _________
  5. In 12 days, how many dimes will be in the Dime jar? _________
  6. In 12 days, how many quarters will be in the Quarter jar? _________