Lesson 1

Lizardland Problems

Est. Class Sessions: 1–2

Daily Practice and Problems

Teacher Notes


Students continue the review of each of the Subtraction Fact Groups. Have students work with a partner to sort their Subtraction Flash Cards: Groups 5 and 6 and update their Subtraction Facts I Know charts. Flash cards for Groups 5 and 6 were distributed in Unit 4. Subtraction flash cards for all groups were also included in Unit 6, if needed. Students should take their flash cards home to practice with a family member.

Remind students that they can use strategies like counting up or thinking addition to help them learn the subtraction facts in Groups 5 and 6.

Bit I is a quiz on the subtraction facts in Groups 5 and 6.

Ongoing Assessment

Use DPP item A as a self-assessment of students' abilities to use mental math strategies to subtract for the facts in Groups 5 and 6 [E10].

See the Letter Home for suggestions for targeted practice.

A. Subtraction Flash Cards: Groups 5 and 6

With a partner, use your Subtraction Flash Cards to quiz each other on the subtraction facts for Groups 5 and 6. Separate the used cards into three piles: Facts I Know Quickly, Facts I Can Figure Out, and Facts I Need to Learn. Practice the last two piles again and make a list of facts you need to practice at home for homework.

Circle the facts you know quickly on your Subtraction Facts I Know chart.