Lesson 1

Lizardland Problems

Est. Class Sessions: 1–2

Daily Practice and Problems

Teacher Notes

TIMS Challenge

Estimates will vary. One estimate is shown for each.

  1. 7705;
    Estimate: 8300 − 600 = 7700
  2. 6010;
    Estimate: 4600 + 1400 = 6000
  3. 5650;
    Estimate: 4000 + 1700 = 5700
  4. 6098;
    Estimate: 7400 − 1300 = 6100

Based on these estimates, a good prediction is that A will be the largest number.

B. Addition and Subtraction Practice

Estimate the answer to each problem. Then use your estimates to predict which one will have the largest answer (sum or difference). Use a pencil-and-paper method or a mental math strategy to find the exact answers. Refer to the Addition Strategies Menu and Subtraction Strategies Menu in the Student Guide Reference section.

  1. My Estimate:
  2. My Estimate:
  3. My Estimate:
  4. My Estimate:
  1. Which answer is largest? Did it match your prediction?