Lesson 7

Measuring Volume of Containers

Est. Class Sessions: 2–3

Daily Practice and Problems

Teacher Notes


  1. $1.40
  2. $17.55
  3. $6.43
  4. $10.24
  5. Possible strategy: students may replace $5.99 with $6 and easily add the $4.25. Then they could subtract the last penny for an answer of $10.24.

U. Adding and Subtracting Money

Use pencil and paper or mental math to complete the following problems. Use the Addition Strategies Menu and the Subtraction Strategies Menu in the Student Guide Reference section.

  1. $2.45 − $1.05 =
  2. $7.60 + $9.95 =
  3. $6.75 − $0.32 =
  4. $5.99 + $4.25 =
  5. Explain a way to solve Question D using mental math.