Lesson 5

Plotting and Describing Shapes

Est. Class Sessions: 2–3

Daily Practice and Problems

Teacher Notes


  1. 2. 12, 9, 6, 3, 0, −3, −6, −9, −12
  2. −20, −16, −12, −8, −4, 0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20

M. Negative Numbers

  1. Skip count by 2s backward from 10 to −10. Write the numbers on the number line as you count.

  2. Skip count by 3s backward from 12 to −12. Write the numbers as you count.
  3. Skip count forward from −20 to 20 by 4s. Write the numbers as you count. Begin this way: −20, −16, −12, etc.