Teacher Notes
TIMS Challenge
Challenge N can be used as a Problem of the Week.
Tee Tee: strawberries, 1st
Truth: beets, 2nd
Pokey: lettuce, 3rd
Speedy: cantaloupe, 4th
Encourage students to extract all information from each clue before moving on to the next clue.
As students are working on this problem, encourage them to share their problem-solving strategies with one another.
If students need additional support, you may want to help them organize their information in a table. As students read each clue they write “Yes” in the box when the information matches a turtle, favorite food, or place. They can write “No” when the information rules out a turtle. This table shows the Yes and No entries after the first clue.

N. Slow and Steady

Four children raced their pet turtles. The turtles are named Tee Tee, Truth, Pokey, and Speedy. The children used their pets' favorite foods (strawberries, lettuce, cantaloupe, and beets) to get them to cross the finish line. Read these clues to find which food each turtle likes best and in what order they finished the race.
- Truth finished the race before the turtle who likes lettuce and the turtle who likes cantaloupe, but after Tee Tee.
- Pokey finished after the turtle who likes strawberries and the turtle who likes beets, but before the turtle who likes cantaloupe.
- Truth does not like strawberries.