Lesson 1

Factor Games

Est. Class Sessions: 2

Daily Practice and Problems

Teacher Notes

TIMS Challenge

This DPP Challenge can be used as a Problem of the Week.

Students should work with a partner or two to complete this challenge. Discuss students' solution strategies. One way to solve the problem is to organize the data in a grid such as the following. The boxes that can be filled in after reading the first clue are shown in the diagram.

Latisha: 14 redbud trees

Jackie: 13 flowering crab trees

Edward: 12 oak trees

Carlos: 20 white pine trees

D. Logic

Latisha, Jackie, Edward, and Carlos are planting trees for Arbor Day. Each will plant a different kind of tree. They are planting white pine, redbud, flowering crab, and oak trees. One of them is planting 20 trees while the others are planting 12, 13, and 14 trees. Use the following clues to find who is planting each kind of tree and how many they are planting.


  1. Latisha will plant more than the girl planting the flowering crab trees or the boy with the oak trees, but she will plant fewer trees than Carlos.
  2. Jackie will plant fewer trees than Carlos or the girl planting the redbud trees, but she will plant more than the boy planting the oak trees.