Lesson 2

Ten Frames

Est. Class Sessions: 2

Developing the Lesson

Part 1: Working with Ten Frames 0–5

Show Zero to Five. Ten frame images are closely linked to the numbers five and ten. The representation of eight in Figure 1 shows that eight is three more than five and two less than ten.

Using a display of the Two Ten Frames Master, demonstrate placing counters on a ten frame by filling in the top row from left to right. Ask students to count with you as you fill the top row. Use questions similar to those in Sample Dialog 1 to discuss how to use a ten frame.

In this Sample Dialog, a teacher discusses how to use a ten frame to show a quantity.

Teacher: How many boxes are empty? How many boxes on the ten frame did you fill?

Frank: It's on one line.

Jerome: Five have a square.

Teacher: That's right. The top five squares have counters. What about these five? [She points to the bottom row.]

Jerome: Those five are blank.

Teacher: The bottom five squares are empty. How many do I have if I take one counter away?

Keenya: Four.

Teacher: Can you describe four on the ten frame?

Keenya: It is not a whole line.

Nila: There is one space left on the top and none on the bottom.

Teacher: Good. There is one space left on the top row and all the spaces on the bottom row are empty.

  • How many more should I add to make five?
  • If I add [number] would I have more or less than five?
  • How many should I take away to make [number]?
  • How many would be left if I took [number] away?

Remove all the counters from the ten frame and ask students how many counters are on the ten frame now (zero). Then show one, two, three, four, and five on the ten frame with counters. For each number, ask students to make a train of cubes (using one color) that has as many cubes as the number of counters on the ten frame. For each number, ask how many counters are on the ten frame and then how many boxes in the top row are blank.

Play Ten Frame Flash. Tell students to take their trains apart and that you are going to display the number zero to five using the ten frame. Use the Ten Frames Flash Cards you prepared or the Two Ten Frames Master and counters. See the TIMS Tips. Mix the order of only the zero to five cards and display a flash card briefly, then hide it from sight. Students then make a train (using one color) with the same number of cubes as counters on the ten frame.

Use a projector to display the Two Ten Frames Master to demonstrate placing counters on a ten frame. Later in the lesson use the projected display to play Ten Frame Flash by turning the projector on and off. You can display the Two Ten Frames Master and counters or the Ten Frames Flash Cards Masters.

  • How can you tell how many cubes to use for your train? (Possible responses may reflect that some students counted the dots on the ten frame, some counted back from five, and others recognized the group without counting.)

Continue in the same manner until all cards have been displayed. Shuffle the cards after the set has been shown as many times as you feel appropriate to provide adequate practice. As students become more proficient, display each card for less time.

On the top, an empty ten frame; on the bottom, the number eight