Send home the Wearing Pockets Master in Lesson 2 to ask parents to have their children wear clothes with pockets to school for Lessons 3 and 4.

Collect pennies in a penny jar. Students will need pennies in Lessons 5 and 7.

Display the class number line (0–130) where students can see and reach it with a pointer.

Attach a desk number line (0–40) to each student's desk to use throughout the year.

Display the Math Practices page where all students can see it.

Have the following tools readily available for the Daily Practice and Problems items in this unit.
    • You and your students will need:

      20 connecting cubes
      12 connecting links
      number lines
      a monthly calendar
      Ten Frames (Student Activity Book) Reference or Two Ten Frames Master in Lesson 2
      counters (e.g., pennies or beans)

    • You will also need:

      connecting cubes
      a variety of squares
      a variety of triangles
      the blue and tan rhombus pattern blocks



Favorite Colors

1 Each student tells his or her favorite color. The class uses the information to make their first group data table. In a teacher-led discussion, students think and talk about their data.
  • 3 x 3–inch self-adhesive notes
  • chart paper
  • crayons or markers


Ten Frames

2 Students learn to represent numbers on a ten frame and visualize numbers using five and ten as benchmarks. Students use connecting cubes and number lines to represent numbers. This lesson lays a foundation for using ten frames as a tool to solve problems.
  • connecting cubes
  • counters such as beans or pennies


Pockets Graph

1–2 Using connecting cubes, students collect data by counting the pockets in their clothing. They use this data to construct a group bar graph, setting the context for future lessons with partitioning numbers.
  • connecting cubes
  • 3 x 3–inch self-adhesive notes
  • chart paper
  • drawing paper


Pocket Parts

2 Pockets on student clothing are used as the context for exploring part-whole relationships of numbers. The techniques used here serve as a bridge from concrete representations (pockets) to symbolic representations (numbers). Students gather data, record it, write number sentences, and discuss the part-whole relationships.
  • chart paper, optional
  • connecting cubes
  • counters, optional


What Is in That Pocket?

3 Students partition the number ten into two parts. They practice filling ten frames and writing number sentences.
  • pennies
  • chart paper
  • tape


Two Ten Frames

2 Students represent numbers from ten to twenty using two ten frames. They make connections between representations of numbers with the ten frame, connecting cubes, number lines, and tallies.
  • connecting cubes


Purchasing with Pennies

2 Students solve problems as they use pennies and price tags to "purchase" items in a classroom store. They explore multiple strategies for finding solutions.
  • pennies or other counters
  • connecting cubes