Lesson 1

Favorite Colors

Est. Class Sessions: 1

Mathematical Standards

Extend the counting sequence. (1.NBT.A.1)
Understand place value. (1.NBT.B.2)
Represent and interpret data. (1.MD.C.4)

Standards for Mathematical Practice

Make sense of problems and persevere in
solving them.
Reason quantitatively.
Model with mathematics.
Use appropriate tools strategically.
Attend to precision.

Each student tells his or her favorite color. The class uses the information to make its first group data table. In a teacher-led discussion, students think and talk about their data.

Content in this Lesson

  • Collecting and organizing data in a table [E8, MPE2].
  • Identifying and representing numbers using tallies and symbols [E1].
  • Making connections between representations of quantities using symbols
    and tallies [E2].
  • Reading information represented in a data table [E9].

Daily Practice and Problems A–B

A. Count and Tally

B. More or Less 1


Materials for Students

Daily Practice and Problems Lesson Homework Assessment

Student Books

Student Activity Book

Teacher Resources

Teacher Guide - digital

Supplies for Students

3 inch X 3 inch self-adhesive note
crayon or marker of their favorite color

Materials for the Teacher

Unit 3 Assessment Record
chart paper for display of data table. See Materials Preparation.

Materials Preparation

Prepare Data Table. Construct a data table as in Figure 1. Make sure that it is large enough to accommodate multiple self-adhesive notes in the "Names of Students" column. If you have a small class size you can limit the number of colors to provide more differentiation when comparing the data. Too many values for the variable Colors will spread student choices across the rows of the data table resulting in many rows reflecting the same quantities. You may choose to make one value "Other" to accommodate students if the limited number of color choices does not reflect their preferences.

Figure 1 Favorite Colors Data Table

Assessment in this Lesson

Assessment Expectation Assessed
Kitchen Tools
Student Activity Book
Page 39
Represent and identify quantities 1–20 using ten frames, counters, tallies, number lines, and symbols.
Connect representations of quantities (e.g., ten frames, tallies, counters, number lines, symbols).

Vocabulary in this Lesson