Lesson 6

Two Ten Frames

Est. Class Sessions: 2

Summarizing the Lesson

Represent 11–20 with Ten Frames Flash. Select a number to display for about five seconds using the 11–20 Ten Frames Flash Cards Master you prepared. Ask students how they determined the number displayed and what they saw. After several numbers have been displayed vary the game by having students:

  • tell the number of blanks spaces on the card instead of the number represented by dots.
  • say a number one more or less (or two more or less) than the number represented by dots.
  • write a number sentence, such as 10 + 6 = 16.

Observe students while the class is playing Ten Frame Flash to assess students' abilities to compare quantities to the benchmarks 5 and 10 using ten frames [E4].

Provide targeted practice by providing prepared sets of the 0–20 Small Ten Frames Cards for students to play Ten Frame Flash with a partner. See Materials Preparation.

Play Ten Frame War. Choose two players to demonstrate the game for the class. Each player will need a prepared set of the
0–20 Small Ten Frames Cards. The 0–10 cards should be removed from each set and put aside for later. Shuffle the remaining cards from the two sets of cards together. Deal the card so that each player gets the same number of cards. Players do not look at their cards.

Each player simultaneously turns over their top card and says the number on their card. The higher card wins the pair. The winning player takes both cards and puts them at the bottom of their card pile. In the event of a tie, the players have a "war." Each player turns over one additional card and says the number on the card. The player with the higher of these cards takes all 4 cards. If these two cards are also a tie, additional cards are turned over until one player wins the "war." The winner is the player that wins the entire deck, or students can continue to play until no more time remains.

After you have played demonstration rounds of the game a few times, ask pairs to play Ten Frame War with a partner. Students should play a few hands with only the 11–20 Small Ten Frames Cards. After a few rounds ask students to shuffle the 0–10 cards into the set and play Ten Frame War with the full set of 0–20 Small Ten Frames Cards.

Observe students as they play Ten Frame War to assess their abilities to identify numbers from 1–20 using ten frames [E1] and by comparing quantities to benchmarks [E4]..

Use Ten Frame War to provide targeted practice with identifying numbers from 1–20 with ten frames.