Lesson 6

Two Ten Frames

Est. Class Sessions: 2

Mathematical Standards

Extend the counting sequence. (1.NBT.A.1)
Understand place value. (1.NBT.B.2)

Standards for Mathematical Practice

Make sense of problems and persevere in
solving them.
Reason quantitatively.
Model with mathematics.
Look for and make use of structure.

Students represent numbers from ten to twenty using two ten frames. They make connections between representations of numbers with the ten frame, connecting cubes, number lines, and tallies.

Content in this Lesson

  • Representing quantities to 20 using ten frames, cubes, number lines, tallies, and symbols [E1].
  • Connecting representations of quantities to 20 using ten frames, cubes, number lines, tallies, and symbols [E2].
  • Recognizing quantities and visualizing numbers to 20 by comparing them to the benchmarks five and ten using tallies, ten frames, number lines, and counters [E4].
  • Writing numbers to 20.

Materials for Students

Daily Practice and Problems Lesson Homework Assessment

Student Books

Student Activity Book

Teacher Resources

Teacher Guide - digital

Supplies for Students

20 connecting cubes (ten of one color and ten of another color)

Materials for the Teacher

Display of Two Ten Frames Master (Teacher Guide)
Display of 11–20 Ten Frames Flash Cards Master (Teacher Guide)
Display set of the 0–20 Small Ten Frames Cards Masters (Teacher Guide)
Unit 3 Assessment Record

Materials Preparation

Prepare Ten Frames. Copies of the Two Ten Frames Master can be laminated for repeated use and also be made readily available to students.

Prepare Ten Frames Flash Cards. Make copies of the 11–20 Ten Frames Flash Cards Masters on card stock. Cut apart the cards and shuffle to mix the order. You may wish to laminate the cards prior to cutting to make them more durable for repeated use. Or, the Masters can be displayed using a projector.

Prepare Small Ten Frames Cards. Copy sets of the 0–20 Small Ten Frames Cards Masters on heavier paper or card stock. Cut apart each set of cards and place them in envelopes. You may choose to copy sets in different colors (e.g., one set on yellow and the other on green). When sets of different colors are shuffled together they can be reorganized into single sets again.

Prepare Optional Targeted Practice using Small Ten Frames Cards. Make additional sets of the 0–20 Small Ten Frames Cards Masters on heavier paper or card stock. Place sets in a center or send sets home for students to play the game Ten Frame War or to play Ten Frame Flash.

Assessment in this Lesson

Assessment Expectation Assessed
Showing Numbers in Many Ways
with Feedback Box
Student Activity Book
Pages 59–62
Represent and identify quantities 1–20 using ten frames, counters, tallies, number lines, and symbols.
Connect representations of quantities (e.g., ten frames, tallies, counters, number lines, symbols).
Two Ten Frames
Observe Ten Frame Flash
Teacher Guide - digital
Recognize quantities by comparing them to the benchmarks five and ten using tallies, ten frames, number lines, and counters.
Two Ten Frames
Observe Ten Frame War
Teacher Guide - digital
Represent and identify quantities 1–20 using ten frames, counters, tallies, number lines, and symbols.
Recognize quantities by comparing them to the benchmarks five and ten using tallies, ten frames, number lines, and counters.

Vocabulary in this Lesson