The Daily Practice and Problems (DPP) is a set of short exercises that provides a structure for ongoing review and study of math concepts, skills, and math facts. To support this daily routine, at least two DPP items are included for each class session. Nine icons designate the subject matter of the DPP items.
Unit 3 Daily Practice Problems A–Z
Rhombuses? P Alike and Different 2 Q Calendar Count 5 R Tallies S What Number? 4 T What Number? 5 U Five Pennies V Three Pockets W Penny Problems 1 X Penny Problems 2 Y Penny Problems 3 Z Penny Problems 4 DPP Teacher Notes
Students will need: 20 connecting cubes,
12 connecting links, a number line, pennies, a monthly calendar, counters, and Two Ten
Frames readily available. You will also need
10 connecting cubes, a variety of squares,
a variety of triangles, the blue and tan rhombus pattern blocks, and 5 pennies.