Lesson 4

Our Favorite: A Data Collection Lab

Est. Class Sessions: 2

Developing the Lesson

Draw the Picture. Begin the lab by asking questions about what students like to eat for lunch. The purpose of this discussion is to determine what data is interesting to your class. Encourage students to be specific—describing the kind of sandwich, their favorite pizza toppings, the kind of taco, and so on.

Since students will work collaboratively in groups throughout the year, introduce routines that encourage effective group work. For example, to generate a list of possible foods to study, groups can use a cooperative learning structure known as Roundtable. One group member writes a type of food—for example, pizza—at the top of the page. The other members take turns listing things they could study about people’s preferences for pizza. One student may list onion, while another lists pepperoni. Whole class discussion can incorporate reports from the groups.

After discussing what class members like to eat, create a list of favorite lunch items such as pizza, tacos, or sandwiches. Tell students they will conduct an investigation. The class may decide to investigate one of the following:

  • our favorite sandwich (turkey, ham, peanut butter and jelly, bologna, cheese, etc.)
  • our favorite pizza topping (sausage, pepperoni, mushroom, onion, etc.)
  • our favorite taco (beef, chicken, steak, veggie, etc.)
  • our favorite fruit (pear, apple, banana, etc.)

Once students have selected a lunch item to investigate, they will need to describe the variables they are interested in. For example, if the class is interested in types of sandwiches, students will need to decide which types sandwiches will be listed in their survey (e.g., ham, turkey, peanut butter and jelly, bologna, cheese). Add these categories to the picture graph you prepared. As you complete the first column, explain that each student must choose from among the items listed, so they should make sure the list is complete.

Remind students that scientists often begin an investigation by drawing a picture of what they are studying. You provided a picture for the Birth Months lab in Unit 1 and modeled drawing a picture for All Sorts of Buttons in Unit 2. This time students will draw their own. Students should draw their picture in the Draw section of the Our Favorite Lab pages in the Student Activity Book. This picture should indicate the type of lunch the class is studying. It should also include the possible choices students can study. For example, if your class is studying favorite sandwiches, a child may draw ham, turkey, peanut butter and jelly, bologna, and cheese. Since the study involves how many students like a particular sandwich, the picture should include numbers. For example, a child may draw 6 students who like peanut butter and jelly and 3 who like ham. See Figures 2 and 3 for sample drawings.

Collect and Organize Data. The second step in the TIMS Laboratory Method is collecting and organizing data. Give each student a square self-adhesive note and ask them to record their name and their favorite choice in that category (e.g., peanut butter and jelly). Ask students to place their notes in the appropriate columns on the picture graph. Add an example below the picture graph so students know what to write on their note. See Figure 1.

Ask students to record their favorite choice on a self-adhesive note to avoid influence by their peers. The resulting data is more interesting and a more accurate representation of the student population.

After students have placed their self-adhesive notes on the picture graph, ask them to record the categories and the number of students on the Our Favorite _________ table in the Student Activity Book. See Figure 4 for a sample data table.

Display the Our Favorite _______ table page from the Student Activity Book. Label the first column with an appropriate heading. It should describe what your class is studying (e.g., Type of Sandwich, Pizza Toppings, Kinds of Tacos).

Explore the Data in the Data Table and Picture Graph. Use the data table and picture graph to pose questions and problems such as the following. Be sure to include problems that involve adding and subtracting numbers.

  • What do you notice about the data table? (Possible response: More people like peanut butter and jelly than cheese.)
  • How many students’ favorite sandwich is [bologna]?
  • Do more children like [bologna or turkey]?
  • How many more students like bologna than turkey?
  • How many like [ham, turkey, and bologna] altogether? How do you know? (Possible response: I added 5 ham, 7 bologna, and 4 turkey:
    5 + 5 + 2 + 4 = 16.)
  • How many like [peanut butter and cheese] altogether?
  • How many did not choose [peanut butter] as their favorite? How do you know? Did anyone figure this out a different way? (Students may add the non–peanut butter columns together or they may subtract the number in the peanut butter column from the total.)
  • How can we find the total number of students surveyed? (Possible response: I added all the data by finding the groups of fives and adding on the leftover.)

By finding the sum and comparing it to the class size, students can check whether data has been recorded for each student. Data tables can help students record their data accurately. Checking for accuracy and looking for patterns while gathering and recording data are habits worth encouraging.

Graph the Data. Ask students whether they see any patterns in the data table. Patterns may not be apparent. Explain that when the data is graphed, it may be easier to recognize patterns. Show a display of the Our Favorite _______ graph on the Our Favorite Lab pages. Ask students to refer to the data table and give them a minute to think about how to label the graph. See Figure 5 for a sample graph.

  • If this is a graph of the data on our data table, what should the title be? (Our Favorite Sandwich)
  • This is called the horizontal axis. What should this label be? Take a hint from the data table. (The first column in the data table, Type of Sandwich.)
  • How should we label each of the bars? What do we want them to show? (the names of our categories, e.g., ham, turkey, peanut butter and jelly, bologna, and cheese)
  • We call this the vertical axis. What are these numbers for along the vertical axis? (Possible responses: They tell us how high to draw the bars; to show how many students like each sandwich.)
  • What should the label be? What is left on our data table? (Number of Students)

Fill in the appropriate labels on the display as students do the same on the graph on the Student Activity Book page. Ask a volunteer to shade in the first bar on the display using the data given in the data table. Draw attention to filling in the space between the two dotted lines and shading to the number given in the data table. Students complete their own graph. Ask one student to complete the graph on the display.

While labeling the graph on the display, include the letter S (or whatever is appropriate to the title of your particular graph) for the horizontal axis and the letter N for the vertical axis. There is no need to talk about or explain the S and N labels now, unless students ask about them. If they do ask, turn the question around and ask them to tell you what they think the letters mean. They have seen them before on earlier labs. These are variables and stand for the two kinds of data in the graph, i.e., S stands for the types of sandwiches and N stands for the number of students. For now, it is sufficient that the students become used to seeing the letters on their graphs and understand that they relate to the data being presented.

Explore the Data on the Table and Graph. The fourth step of the TIMS Laboratory Method is exploring the data. Students have three representations of the same data: data table, graph, and picture graph. Emphasize that answers to questions about the data can be found in more than one way. Point out that solutions by different methods should agree: If the graph shows that ten people prefer peanut butter and jelly and the data table shows twelve, something is wrong.

Discuss and explore the data on the graph and table. Pose questions similar to those asked about the data table.

  • Which [sandwich] is most popular? How can you tell by looking at the table? Looking at the graph? (Possible response: Peanut butter and jelly; looking at the table, 12 is the highest number in the Number of Students column; on the graph, it’s the tallest bar.)
  • Which [sandwich] is least popular? How can you tell? (Possible response: Cheese because it’s the shortest bar on the graph.)
  • Which tool makes it easier to tell the most or least popular—the table or the graph? Why do you think so? (Possible response: It’s easier on the graph because you can see the tallest and shortest bars more easily than finding the numbers on the table.)
  • Altogether, how many students chose either [ham or turkey]? How do you know? (Nine; I added 5 for ham and 4 for turkey, 5 + 4 = 9.)
  • Did you use the table or the graph to answer the question? Which do you think makes it easier to answer that question? Why do you think so? (Possible response: I used the table. It was easier because the ham and turkey are together and the numbers were easier to find than reading the bars on the graph.)
  • Which [sandwich] did [four] people choose as their favorite? (turkey)
  • Which [sandwich] is more popular—[ham or cheese]? Looking at the graph, how do you know? Looking at the table? (Possible response: Ham; the bar is taller than the bar for cheese on the graph. Looking at the table, 5 for ham is greater than 2 for cheese.)
  • How many more students like [peanut butter than bologna]? How do you know? How can you use the graph to find out? (5; I looked at how much taller the peanut butter bar was than the bologna bar. I counted 5 spaces from the top of the bologna bar to the top of the peanut butter bar.)
  • How might the graph look different if another second-grade class joined us in the experiment? (Possible responses: There would be the same number of bars but they would be taller; the graph may have the same shape or may have a different shape if the other class preferences were a lot different.)
  • I am going to make everyone’s favorite [sandwich]. I will put the [ham and turkey] in one box and the [peanut butter and jelly] in another box. Which box has more [sandwiches]? (The peanut butter and jelly box) How many more? (3 more sandwiches) How did you find out? (I know because there are 12 peanut better and jelly sandwiches and 9 ham or turkey sandwiches and 12 − 9 = 3.)
  • If one of our family members visits our classroom and wants to know how many students are in the class, how could he or she use the graph to find the answer? (Possible response: He or she has to look at each bar and add all the numbers at the top together because everyone in the class is represented on the graph.)

Compare Data Table and Graph. Have students reflect on the process of the investigation and compare their use of the data table and graph.

  • How did the table and graph help us investigate our class’ favorite [sandwich]? (Possible responses: They helped us organize the data about each kind of sandwich so we didn’t get mixed up. These tools helped us remember all the information. We could check easily to see if everyone in the class was represented on the data table. The graph made it easy to compare information about the different sandwiches.)
  • How are the table and graph alike? (They both help organize information. They both have the same labels. They both tell the same information. The information in each should match.)
  • How are they different? (The data table uses numbers. The graph uses bars and makes a kind of picture of the data to see patterns easily.)
  • Is it always easier to use one tool over the other to answer questions about the data? Explain your thinking. (Possible response: No, sometimes it’s easier to get information from the table, and sometimes it is easier from the graph. It depends upon the information you need to find.)
  • Can you give me an example of when it might be easier to use the graph? (Possible response: When I want to find the most liked sandwich, it is easier on the graph because I can find the tallest bar more easily than looking for the highest number on the data table.)
  • Can you give me an example of when it might be easier to use the data table? (Possible response: When I want to find out how many students are in the class it is easier on the data table because I could just add up all the numbers in the Number of Students column. On the graph I have to read the top of each bar and then add.)
Our Favorite Picture Graph
A sample drawing
Another sample drawing
A sample data table
A sample graph