Lesson 8

Check It Out

Est. Class Sessions: 2

Developing the Lesson

Part 1: Many Ways to Solve a Problem

Read Check It Out. Begin this lesson by reading the Adventure Book story “Check It Out.” This story describes how Marcus solves problems using more than one strategy to check his answers. The story starts with Marcus and his classmates solving a problem in different ways. Then their teacher gives them a homework assignment to find an interesting problem and solve it using many different strategies to check their answers. Marcus then heads to the grocery store to find and solve an interesting problem.

Pages 1–2

  • What tools are the three children using to solve the same problem? (connecting cubes, ten frames, a 200 Chart, counters, and the calculator)
  • What other tools have we been using to solve problems? (Possible response: number line)
  • Who is correct? How did you solve the problem?

Have students share their strategies for solving the problem. Encourage students to use the 200 Chart, number line, coins, or connecting cubes to solve the problem.

  • Can someone show how they used the 200 Chart to solve 15 + 18? (Possible strategy: Start at 18 and move one row below to add 10 and then count on from 28 five more: 29, 30, 31, 32, 33 to get an answer of 33.)
  • Did anyone else use the 200 Chart but solve the problem a different way? Can you show us? (Possible response: Start at 15 and move one row below to add 10 and then count on eight more to get an answer of 33.)
  • What are some ways you can check your answer? (Solve the problem a different way and see if you get the same answer. You can use a different tool like a number line, coins, or counters.)
  • How can you use your desk number line to solve
    15 + 18? Show your neighbor.
    (Start at 15. To skip count by 10, take one hop of 10 to 25, then 8 little hops to 33.)
  • Did you both use the number line the same way? Did you both get the same answer?

Ask students to share some number line strategies with the class using the class number line. For example, if a student knows the double of 15, start at 15 and then take another big hop of 15 to 30, then three little hops to 33.

  • Did you get the same answer using the 200 Chart and the number line? (Answers will vary.)

Students should notice that they got the same answer each time.

  • How confident are you with your answer? Does it seem reasonable? (Answers will vary.)

Since students solved the problem two ways and got the same answer both times, they should be confident with their answer.

Page 6

  • What are some problems Mr. Montes may have to solve as the owner of a grocery store? (Possible responses: how much food to order; how much to charge for the food; how much to pay employees)

Page 8

  • The price you pay for meat and vegetables depends on how many pounds you buy. What other items are weighed at the store? (Possible response: fruit, candy, or nuts)

Page 10

  • If Marcus’s pepper weighs exactly one pound, how much will it cost? (98¢)
  • Do you think Marcus’s pepper weighs more than one pound or less? How did you decide?

Depending on students’ experiences with money and grocery shopping, a few students may think 98¢ is a lot of money for one pepper. You may want to pass around a green pepper or an object that weighs one pound. To give students a benchmark for weight in pounds, discuss the weights of some common grocery items. A gallon of milk, for instance, weighs approximately eight pounds. A loaf of bread can weigh one pound. See Materials Preparation.

Page 12

  • Did the pepper weigh more or less than one pound? (Since the pepper costs 47¢, it must weigh less than one pound. In the picture, the arrow on the scale is not pointing to one pound so the pepper weighs less than one pound.)

Pages 13–14

  • What did Marcus pull out of his pocket? Why do you think he carries these items with him? (Marcus finds connecting cubes. He carries these tools to help him solve math problems.)
  • Does Mr. Montes’ addition “check out” all right? (Mr. Montes and Marcus agree. The cost is 89¢.)
  • Describe the strategies Marcus used to check out Mr. Montes’ addition. (Marcus used connecting cubes and he skip counted by tens.)
  • How might you have solved this problem? What tools would you use?

Student pairs can solve the problem and share their solution strategies. Encourage students to use a different strategy to solve the problem.

Page 15

  • When Marcus uses the 200 Chart, he starts on 40 and counts by tens to check the problem again. Why does he start on 40? (The tomato sauce
    costs 40¢.)
  • Describe how Marcus might finish checking the problem on the 200 Chart. (Start on 40; move 4 rows below saying 50, 60, 70, 80; count on 7, then 2; 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89.)
  • Write a number sentence that shows how Marcus used the 200 Chart to check the problem.
    (40 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 7 + 2 = 89)
  • How can you use a calculator to check Marcus’s answer? (  47 +   40 +    2 = 89¢)
  • How can you use a number line to check Marcus’s answer? [See Figure 1.]
  • Write a number sentence that shows how Marcus used the number line to check the problem.
    (47 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 2 = 89¢)

Page 16

  • Why do you think Mr. Montes is glad that all of his customers don’t check his math? (Possible response: It takes time and other customers in line might get impatient.)
Adding 47 + 40 + 2 on the number line