Lesson 6

Moves on the 200 Chart

Est. Class Sessions: 2–3

Summarizing the Lesson

After the pairs have finished playing the game, discuss the ways they moved on the 200 Chart for each spin. For example, if they landed on “10 more” did they move to the right or left? Did they move to the row above or below? Discuss students’ strategies for making quick moves without counting individual squares.

Assign the Follow the Moves on the 200 Chart page in the Student Activity Book to assess students’ abilities to add and subtract on the 200 Chart.

Use the Follow the Moves on the 200 Chart page in the Student Activity Book to assess students’ abilities to identify, describe, and use patterns on the 200 Chart [E1]; connect representations of quantities on the 200 Chart and in number sentences [E2]; represent addition and subtraction using number sentences and the 200 Chart [E3]; solve subtraction problems using counting strategies [E5].

For targeted practice, place copies of the Moving on the 200 Chart pages from the Student Activity Book along with game markers and spinners (or a paper clip and pencil), in a learning center.
