Lesson 7

Exploring the Number Line

Est. Class Sessions: 2

Developing the Lesson

Part 2: Moving on the Number Line Game

Students practiced using the 200 Chart as a tool to solve problems in the Moving on the 200 Chart game in the previous lesson. In this lesson, they play a similar game, but this time they move on the number line. Student pairs practice moving backward and forward on number lines to solve addition and subtraction situations. They will need the Moving on the Number Line pages in the Student Activity Book, which include a spinner and recording sheets.

Display the first page of the Moving on the Number Line page to explain the directions. Use a display of the Sample Moving on the Number Line Recording Sheet Master to demonstrate how students start at a given number, take turns spinning, and make four moves on their number lines. See Figure 5. Each player uses his or her own recording sheet to record the moves and complete a number sentence. For the demonstration game, note that only one player’s recording sheet is displayed. Have students start with the page labeled Recording Sheet Game 1, which uses numbers less than 100.

After a few rounds of the game, tell students that they will play the game with larger numbers. They should use the pages labeled Recording Sheet Game 2. Students play using the same spinner and the same rules. However, this time the number lines extend beyond 100.

The Fill-in Moving on the Number Line Recording Sheet Master is an open-ended recording sheet which can be copied and tailored to meet the individual needs of students. For example, to challenge students, make the numbers extend past 120.

Recording a round in Moving on the Number Line game