Lesson 3

Many Ways to Show a Decimal

Est. Class Sessions: 1–2

Summarizing the Lesson

Use a display of the Show That Decimal Fraction Master to play a game. Ask a volunteer to represent a fraction in one of the five ways and challenge the class to represent the same number in four other ways. Encourage students to choose different ways to represent the unit whole. Students played a similar game with common fractions in Unit 8 Lesson 7. See Figure 4.

Assign Check-In: Questions 19–21 on the Showing Decimals pages of the Student Activity Book.

Use Check-In: Questions 19–21 and the Feedback Box in the Student Activity Book to document students' abilities to represent decimal fractions using drawings and number lines [E5] and words and numbers [E6], to make connections among the representations [E7], and to compare decimals [E8].

Targeted practice for Expectations 5, 6, and 8 are in Lesson 6 Workshop: Decimal Concepts.

Playing Show That Decimal Fraction using 1.4