Display the Math Practices page where all students can see it.
Gather centimeter rulers for each student (or prepare the Centimeter and Inch Ruler Master).
Gather non-stretchy cord or string to be cut into and used as a meter benchmark.
Gather about 2 metersticks per small group.
Gather and organize base-ten pieces (packs, flats, skinnies, and bits).
Gather several inclines made of wood or metal and at least 50 cm long. (See Lesson 5.)
Gather several toy cars or roller skates. (See Lesson 5.)
Gather flats and packs or several books of the same type. (See Lesson 5.)
Gather sets of fraction circle pieces.
Students will need the following tools readily available for the Daily Practice and Problems items in this unit:
- Triangle Flash Cards: Last Six Facts
(stored in an envelope)
- metersticks
- base-ten pieces (skinnies and bits)
- calculators
- Division Facts I Know Charts
(from Unit 6 Lesson 1 or Master in Lesson 1)
- Addition Strategies Menu (Student Guide) Reference
- Subtraction Strategies Menu (Student Guide) Reference
- Multiplication Strategies Menu (Student Guide) Reference
- Multiplication Strategies Menu for Larger Numbers (Student Guide) Reference
LESSON 1m, dm, cm, mm |
2 | Students measure objects in the classroom to the nearest meter, decimeter, centimeter, and millimeter. They use decimal notation to record measurements through hundredths of a meter. |
LESSON 2Tenths |
2–3 | Students work with base-ten pieces and metersticks to build their understanding of tenths. They represent tenths both as common fractions and as decimal fractions. |
LESSON 3Many Ways to Show a Decimal |
1–2 | In Part 1, the class describes parts of a group of ten students using decimals as they play Kid Decimals. In Part 2, students represent decimal fractions using fraction circle pieces and connect the decimals to common fractions. In Part 3, students represent decimal fractions in five different ways using decimals, common fractions, words, drawings, and number lines. |
LESSON 4Hundredths |
2–4 | Students use various representations to develop their understanding of decimals through hundredths. They build on their previous experiences with base-ten pieces, number lines, metersticks, and money. Students also explore a Hundredths Chart. They play a game to practice naming and representing hundredths. |
LESSON 5Downhill Racer |
3–4 | Students roll cars down ramps to investigate the relationship between the height of the ramp and the distance a car travels after it has left the ramp. This lab provides a context for students to use decimals and to measure length in meters. |
LESSON 6Workshop: Decimal Concepts |
1 | Students play a game that provides practice with comparing decimals. Based on their progress developing decimal concepts, students practice representing, comparing, and ordering decimals. |
LESSON 7Decimal Hoppers |
2 | Students explore addition and subtraction of decimals using decimal hoppers, a type of number hopper that incorporates decimal fractions. Students play a game involving decimal hoppers to build strategies for composing, decomposing, adding, and subtracting decimals. Using the number line model, mental math, and estimation strategies, students solve problems involving addition and subtraction of decimals to the hundredths. |