Lesson 4


Est. Class Sessions: 2–4

Summarizing the Lesson

Set up two or three metersticks on the floor in front of the room. Ask a student to roll a car parallel to those metersticks starting at zero.

  • How far did the car roll? Measure to the bottom of the rear wheels.
  • How many centimeters did the car roll? Show us how you know.
  • How many tenths of a meter did the car roll? Show us how you know.
  • How many hundredths of a meter did the car roll? Show us how you know.

Distribute and refer to the Hundredths and Tenths Quiz Assessment Master. Tell students that the problem above sets the stage for the first few problems on the Quiz they are going to complete.

Assign the Assessment Master.

Use the Hundredths and Tenths Quiz Assessment with the Feedback Box to assess students' abilities to measure length to the nearest hundredth of a meter (centimeter) [E4], represent decimals using number lines and base-ten pieces [E5], use words and numbers to read and write decimals to the hundredths [E6], and compare and order decimals [E8].

Question 8 of the homework section of the Student Guide provides and can be a model for targeted practice with measuring to the nearest hundredth of a meter. Students will have an opportunity to measure to the nearest hundredth of a meter in the lab in Lesson 5.

Targeted practice for Expectations 5, 6, and 8 is in Lesson 6 Workshop: Decimal Concepts.

Written and reviewed work from Student A
Written and reviewed work from Student B