Lesson 1

m, dm, cm, mm

Est. Class Sessions: 2

Homework and Practice

  • Assign Questions 1–2 in the Homework section on the m, dm, cm, mm pages in the Student Guide after Part 1. Assign Question 3 after students have completed the Measure Hunt pages in the Student Activity Book. Students will need their meter strings to measure to the nearest meter.
  • Assign Parts 1 and 2 of the Home Practice. Part 2 provides practice with multiplication of large numbers ending in zero and ordering and rounding large numbers.
  • Assign DPP items A–D. Task B reviews writing numbers in base-ten shorthand. In Bit C, students list items which might be measured in meters and centimeters.
  • Challenge D is a Problem of the Week which encourages use of the Math Practices page to show how solutions were checked for reasonableness and calculations [MPE 3–4] to determine the number of grapes eaten each of 5 days.

Math Facts. DPP Bit A asks students to self-assess the division facts for the last six facts and record their progress on their Division Facts I Know charts.

In Home Practice Part 1, students use their Triangle Flash Cards: Last Six Facts to study for the quiz on the division facts related to the last six multiplication facts.
