The Daily Practice and Problems (DPP) is a set of short exercises that provides a structure for ongoing review and study of math concepts, skills, and math facts. To support this daily routine, at least two DPP items are included for each class session. The first item is always a Bit and the others will be either Tasks, Challenges, or Bits. Nine icons designate the subject matter of the DPP items.
Unit 10 Daily Practice Problems A–Z
Last Six Facts B Base-Ten Shorthand C Measure with m or cm? D Grapes E When Does 1/4 Matter? F Counting Square Units G Math Facts Practice
with Fact Families H Addition, Subtraction, and
Multiplication Practice I Dividing It Up J Which Length Is Longer? K Using Factors L Angles and Lines M Multiplying with Zeros N Time O Skip Counting P Sally's Party Q Skip Counting by
Tenths and Hundredths R Ordering Decimals S Number Line Decimals T Showing Fractions and Decimals U Fact Family Division Quiz:
Last Six Facts V Metric Conversions W Division Quiz:
Last Six Facts X Roasting the Turkey Y Write a Decimal Z Multiply DPP Teacher Notes
Students will need:
Triangle Flash Cards: Last Six Facts, Division Facts I Know
chart, the Math Practices page, the Addition Strategies Menu, the Subtraction Strategies Menu, the Multiplication Strategies Menu, the Multiplication Strategies Menu for Larger Numbers, the Writing Numbers in Words page, metersticks, base-ten pieces (skinnies and bits), and calculators readily available.