This unit focuses on analyzing two-dimensional and three-dimensional shapes. In the first part of the unit, students explore the properties of the tangram pieces by composing and decomposing shapes with the pieces. Students also measure and analyze the area and perimeter of shapes made with the tans. During the second part of the unit, students describe, construct, and classify three-dimensional shapes using their properties: edges, vertices, faces.

Use this list of expectations to assess students on the key concepts and skills in this unit.
E1* Describe and analyze two-dimensional shapes using their properties (e.g., number of sides, length of sides, vertices, number and size of angles, number of right angles, and relationships between sides).
E2* Describe and analyze three-dimensional shapes using their properties (e.g., number and shape of sides, number of edges, and number of corners).
E3* Identify and construct two- and three-dimensional shapes using their properties.
E4* Classify 2- and 3-dimensional shapes using their properties.
E5 Identify congruent shapes.
E6 Identify lines of symmetry.
E7 Justify conclusions using geometric properties.
E8 Recognize that shapes can have the same area but different perimeters.
E9 Solve elapsed-time problems involving time measurements to the nearest minute. (3.MD.1)
E10 Measure the area and perimeter of two-dimensional shapes.
E11* Demonstrate fluency with the multiplication facts for the nines.
E12* Determine the unknown number in a multiplication or division sentence relating three whole numbers for the nines.
* Denotes Benchmark Expectation