Lesson 3

Tangram Puzzles

Est. Class Sessions: 2

Homework and Practice

  • Assign the Homework section in the Student Guide for homework. Students will need a blank piece of paper and their 7-piece tangram set to design a tangram puzzle.
  • Assign DPP items G–J. Bit G provides practice with classifying and describing 2-dimensional shapes. Task H provides practice with multidigit subtraction strategies. Task J provides practice with multiplication and division problems.
  • Assign Home Practice Part 3. In Part 3, students practice solving word problems involving multiplication and division.

Math Facts. Bit I provides practice with the fact families related to the multiplication facts for the nines.

Remind students to take home their Triangle Flash Cards to prepare for the assessment of their multiplication facts for nines in DPP Bits CC and GG.

Students will create tangrams for homework. The student-made shapes can be placed in a learning center along with a set of tangrams.

Unit Master