Students look for patterns in the relationship between variables. They review how to represent these variables in graphs and tables and then use those patterns to make predictions and generalizations. Students also explore mean by manipulating models (e.g., evening out towers, folding strips). They then compare the bounce height to the drop height of a ball and use that data to make predictions and reason about multiplicative relationships. Students also explore these relationships in function machines as they generalize patterns as rules.

Use this list of Expectations to assess students on the key concepts and skills in this unit.
E1 Represent the variables and procedures of an investigation in a drawing.
E2 Collect and organize data in a table.
E3 Make a point graph.
E4 Draw a best-fit line.
E5 Find the median of a data set.
E6 Find the mean of a data set using manipulatives and numerical procedures.
E7 Make predictions and generalizations using tables and graphs.
E8 Make predictions and generalizations using medians and means.
E9 Measure length in centimeters.
E10 Identify and extend multiplicative patterns.
E11 Represent patterns and functions using words, tables, and symbols.
E12 Demonstrate fluency with the last six multiplication facts (4 × 6, 4 × 7, 4 × 8, 6 × 7, 6 × 8, 7 × 8).
E13 Determine the unknown number in a multiplication or division sentence relating three whole numbers for the last six facts.
* Denotes Benchmark Expectation