Lesson 1

Predictions from Graphs

Est. Class Sessions: 2

Developing the Lesson

Part 2. Using Best-Fit Lines and Making Predictions

Use Best-Fit Lines to Make Predictions. On the Using Best-Fit Lines pages in the Student Activity Book, students will find eight point graphs.

Have students work in pairs to answer Questions 1–8. Encourage students to describe patterns in terms of lines or curves.

  • Do the points tend to go uphill or downhill?
  • Do the points suggest a line?
  • Do the points suggest a curve?
  • Would it be possible to draw one straight line that shows the trend of all the points?

Use the graph in Question 1 to demonstrate drawing a best-fit line. Use a display of the Nila's Sit-Ups Master. See Figure 1. Students can experiment with various angles using a ruler (preferably a clear ruler). As a rule of thumb, to fit a line, try to get about as many points above the line as below it. Once they have decided on the placement of the line, students should draw it using a pencil and a ruler. They should extend the line in both directions. Each student may draw the line a little bit differently, which will result in different predictions. The lines and predictions, however, should be relatively close.

The points on the graph in Question 2 lie close to a line that goes downhill since John's times for running the mile decrease as he gets older.

Question 2D asks students to use extrapolation to predict John's time for running the mile when he is 12. Using the best-fit line they will likely predict his time to be about 7 minutes. In Question 2E, students are asked to predict the time it will take John to run a mile when he is 18. If they use the best-fit line, they may say his time will be about one or two minutes. However, this is not a reasonable prediction.

A two-year study of over 2 million high school students during the early 1980s found that the average time for running a mile was 7:40 minutes for males and 9:51 minutes for females.

Question 2F asks if knowing John's age helps predict his time for running a mile. Knowing his age helps only if we are talking about ages within or near the data points. As shown in this situation, extrapolating far beyond the actual data points is often unreliable and may be unreasonable.

The points on the graph in Question 3 do not form a line. There is no relationship between the number of letters in a person's name and that person's birth month. It would not make sense to draw a line on the graph. Although students may predict that the number of letters in a person's name is between three and nine letters, knowing the person's birth month will not help make a better prediction.

The points on the graph in Question 4 lie directly on the line. Predictions can be made with certainty, either by interpolation or by extrapolation. This is because there is a clear multiplicative relationship between the number of cookies and the total mass. Each cookie has a mass of 10 grams, so the mass of 5 cookies will be 10 × 5, 50 grams. If students write the ordered pairs correctly, they should be able to see this relationship.

Where should a best-fit line that goes “uphill” start? Should it start at the origin, (0,0)? Or, should students fit the line through the data points, extend it, and let it cross the vertical or horizontal axis wherever it falls? The answer depends on the data for the graph. For example, for Question 4 on the Best-Fit Lines pages, the Mass vs. Number of Cookies graph, it makes sense that when the number of cookies is 0, the mass is 0 grams. The best-fit line for this graph should go through the origin (0 cookies, 0 grams).

On the other hand, the best-fit line for the Men's Winning Olympic Long Jumps graph will not go through the origin because the horizontal axis begins at the year 1896. Similarly, in the Head Circumference of Babies graph, if a curve were to be drawn, it should not go through the origin. When a baby is newborn (0 months old), the head circumference will not be zero. As the graph shows, it generally is about 35 centimeters. (See Question 6 on the Using Best-Fit Lines pages.)

In Question 5, a student makes a common error when drawing a best-fit line. She simply draws a line from the lower left corner to the upper right corner, regardless of where the points lie.

The points in the graph in Question 6 do not suggest a line, but they do form a curve. Even though it would not make sense to draw a best-fit line, it is possible to use the graph to predict the head circumference of a baby if you know the baby's age.

  • Why does this graph show a curve rather than a line? What would it mean if it were a line that kept going up?

Question 7 provides more practice and ties the data points on the graph to a data table and ordered pairs.

Drawing a best-fit line