The Meaning of the Mean
Est. Class Sessions: 2–3Developing the Lesson
Part 1. Finding the Mean Head Circumference
Measure with Adding Machine Tape. Students work on this activity in groups of four. (See TIMS Tip below.) Students begin the activity by reading The Meaning of the Mean pages in the Student Guide and following the directions. Groups measure the head circumference of each member using adding machine tape and record the measurements in a data table for the group. For each student, a strip of adding machine tape is cut the same length as his or her head circumference.
To find the average head circumference of students in a group, the group tapes their strips together, taking care not to let the ends overlap. Then, the group folds this long strip into as many equal parts as there are students in the group. See Figure 1. The length of each of these parts is the mean head circumference for the group. Each group should record the mean circumference at the bottom of their data table.
This process of taping the strips together and then folding the long strip in equal parts models the procedure for finding the mean. In the previous activity students “evened out” the heights of the towers of connecting cubes. Here students “even out” the length of the strips. To find the mean numerically, we add up the values and divide by the number of values. This is similar to taping the strips together and then folding the strip into equal parts.
Estimate the Mean Head Circumference for the Class. Discussing Questions 1–3 on The Meaning of the Mean pages in the Student Guide will give you an opportunity to check students' understanding of the meaning of the mean. Each group should add their group's mean to a class data table on chart paper or using a display of Two-Column Data Table. See Figure 2. These questions ask students to estimate the mean circumference for the entire class using the group means. During one class discussion, a student said that the mean should be a number “in the middle,” not at the ends. This showed a good understanding of the concept.