Lesson 2


Est. Class Sessions: 2–3

Daily Practice and Problems

Teacher Notes


Possible responses:

  1. Yes; If the door is 1/4-inch too wide or too tall, it will not close and lock.
  2. No; 1/4-inch is small compared to the distance of a bike ride. It would be hard to measure the distance that closely.
  3. 1/4-inch is important when what you are measuring is small and part of something that must fit exactly, like a drawer in a desk.
    1/4-inch is not important when the measurements are much longer than 1/4-inch, such as distances cars travel or the length and width of a backyard.

E. When Does 1/4 Matter?

  1. Might 1/4-inch be important if you are building a door? Why or why not?
  2. Do you think 1/4-inch is important when you are measuring the distance you can ride on your bike? Why or why not?
  3. Give an example of when 1/4-inch is important. Give an example of when it is not.