Lesson 3

Addition Strategies Seminar

Est. Class Sessions: 2

Developing the Lesson

Part 1: Building an Addition Strategies Menu

Describe Strategies for Addition Facts. Tell students they are going to have a "strategy session" about addition. Explain that they will solve problems with sums up to 20 and pay special attention to the strategies they use. Display the two sheets of chart paper and the Show Your Strategy Cards with the facts 6 + 1, 6 + 6, 6 + 7, and 9 + 5. See Materials Preparation. Focus students' attention on the cards displayed and ask students to explain how to solve each problem.

  • Look at the addition facts on the four Show Your Strategy Cards. Who would like to show the class how to solve 6 + 1?
  • Describe your strategy. (Possible response: I put 6 in my head and counted 1 more. My answer is 7.)
  • What tools did you use to solve the problem? (Possible response: I used the number line.)
  • Describe how you used the tool to solve the problem. (Possible response: I started at 6 on the number line and jumped one more.)

As students describe their thinking, ask them to show their thinking using the tools and space on the Show Your Strategy Card Display Master. Have connecting cubes readily available as well. Then, record that solution on the corresponding card you prepared. See Figure 2. Repeat this discussion for the other three facts displayed. Use the blank space on the card to record strategies that are not supported with a number line or ten frames.

Students can learn much from each other. By listening to the strategies of other students and trying them out, they can become more flexible in their thinking and more effective problem solvers.

If a student is counting all, ask if there is another strategy that may be more efficient. See the Sample Dialog to guide your discussion of strategies.

  • Now, look at the 2 charts: Counting Strategies and Reasoning Strategies.
  • Who can explain what counting strategies are? (Possible response: Counting strategies are when you count to find the answer. For counting on, I start with the larger number and count on the smaller number.)
  • Who can explain what reasoning strategies are? (Possible response: Reasoning strategies are strategies that use what you already know to help you solve the problem like using doubles and making tens.)
  • Where would you place the fact 6 + 1? (Possible response: I would put it on the Counting Strategies chart because we started with 6 and counted on 1 more.)
  • When would you use the strategy counting on? (Possible response: I would use it if I had to count on a small number like 1, 2, or 3.)

Use this sample dialog to guide your discussion of strategies.

Teacher: What strategy did you use to solve 6 + 2?

Anna: I counted on my fingers. I counted: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and then, 2 more, 7, 8.

Teacher: Did anyone use a different strategy that is more efficient?

Jenny: I used counting on. I started at 6 and counted on 2: 7, 8.

Teacher: How is that more efficient than starting at 1?

Jenny: I already know that one of the numbers is 6 and I just have to count 2 more.

Teacher: Which tools can you use to demonstrate counting on?

Jenny: I can use the number line. I start at 6 on the number line and jump two more.

Teacher: Good answer! Now, what strategy would you use to solve 6 + 7?

Mark: I would use counting on. I would start at 7 on the number line and count on 6.

Nicholas: I would use a different strategy. I know that 6 + 6 = 12, so 6 + 7 would be one more or 13.

Teacher: That's a good strategy to use for this fact. When should you use counting on as a strategy?

Jose: I would only use it when you count on small numbers like 1, 2, or 3.

Teacher: Why wouldn't you use it to count on larger number?

Jose: I think it takes too long to count on numbers like 9, 10, or 11. It's better to use a reasoning strategy like using doubles or making tens.

Teacher: Which tools can you use to demonstrate using doubles?

Jose: I can make two trains of connecting cubes with 6 each. That makes 12. If I add one more connecting cube to one of the trains, that one will have 7 and I'll have 13 cubes.

Teacher: What strategy would you use to solve 8 + 9?

Jason: I would use the strategy using doubles. I know that 8 + 8 = 16, so 8 + 9 = 17.

Teacher: That's an efficient strategy. Did anyone think of another strategy?

Gina: I used the strategy using ten. I know that 8 + 10 = 18, so 8 + 9 is one less or 17.

Teacher: That's another great strategy to use! Sometimes, we can use more than one strategy to solve a problem, but we want to try to use a strategy that is efficient.

Post the Show Your Strategy Card on the appropriate chart. See Figure 3. Focus students' attention back on the remaining three Show Your Strategy Cards.

  • Would you use the strategy counting on for any of these other facts? (Possible response: No, because for the other facts you have to count on more than 1, 2, or 3.)

Naming Strategies. There are many different ways to name a strategy. Encourage students to use names that are meaningful and will help them remember the strategy. Names can be related to the steps in the strategy like counting back or counting up. Names can also be selected because students associate the strategy with a particular student in the class who regularly uses a strategy. It is not important that students be able to name the strategy, though it does help them discuss and distinguish them.

Have students focus their attention on the Show Your Strategy Card with the addition facts 6 + 6 and 6 + 7.

  • What strategy would you use to solve 6 + 6? (Possible response: That's a doubles fact because it has the same two numbers. Knowing a doubles fact is a reasoning strategy.)
  • If you know 6 + 6, how can you use that fact to solve 6 + 7? (Possible response: I know that 6 + 6 = 12, so 6 + 7 is one more or 13.)
  • Describe the using doubles strategy. (Possible response: If you know your doubles, like 6 + 6, then you can use them to help you solve a fact that is near a doubles fact. For 6 + 7, you're just adding one more to the doubles answer.)
  • Is using doubles a counting strategy or a reasoning strategy? Why? (Possible response: It's a reasoning strategy because you're using what you know about doubles to solve it.)
  • What if you do not know the double? How can you figure it out? (Possible response: Use other facts that you know. For example, I know 5 + 5 = 10 so 6 + 6 is two more or 12 because I need to add one to each five to get six.)

Record students' solutions for 6 + 6 and 6 + 7 and place the cards on the Reasoning Strategies chart.

Focus students' attention on the remaining card: 9 + 5.

  • What strategy would you use to solve 9 + 5? (Possible response: I would use the strategy using ten.)
  • Describe the using tens strategy. (Possible response: I know that 10 + 5 is 15, so 9 + 5 is one less or 14.)
  • On which chart should I place 9 + 5 and why? (Possible response: It's a reasoning strategy. You're using what you know about adding ten to solve it because 9 is one less than 10.)

Record the solution for the remaining card and place it on the appropriate chart.

Sort Addition Facts on Show Your Strategy Cards. Have students work in groups to discuss strategies for the remaining Show Your Strategy Cards. Give 4–5 facts to each group, and as they finish, you may give them additional facts to solve. Ask each group to solve the addition facts and show their strategy on the number line, ten frames, or with a drawing or number sentences. As groups complete their cards, have them attach the cards to the chart that corresponds to the strategy that they used to solve the problem.

  • What strategy did you use?
  • What tools did you use or think about to solve the problem? (number lines, connecting cubes, ten frames, drawings)
  • Should you place your card on the Counting Strategies or Reasoning Strategies chart?

Some students may have trouble naming their strategy. Allow students to place their card on the chart they think is appropriate. If they do not choose the appropriate chart, there will be a chance to rearrange the cards later.

Discuss Counting and Reasoning Strategies. Upon completion, direct students' attention to the addition facts on the Counting Strategies and Reasoning Strategies charts.

  • When does it make sense to use a counting strategy? (Possible response: when you are adding a small number like 1, 2, or 3)
  • Does it make sense to use counting to solve all the facts we placed on the Counting Strategies chart? (Possible response: No, we want to use a strategy that is quick and accurate. We don't want to use counting to add on large numbers.)
  • Are there facts that you would like to move from this chart to the other chart? Why? [Students may want to move some of the facts to the Reasoning Strategies chart.]

Direct students' attention to the facts on the Reasoning Strategies chart. Have a few students share their reasoning strategies.

  • What strategy did you use to solve [9 + 5]? (Possible response: I know that 10 + 5 = 15, so 9 + 5 is one less or 14.)

Students have been inventing and using counting strategies to solve problems using addition throughout First Grade. In this lesson, students will focus on deciding which strategy is more efficient for a given problem. Students will also explore reasoning strategies (doubles, using ten, using doubles, making ten). This lesson provides practice and attention to the counting and reasoning strategies.

Find a few of these facts on the Reasoning Strategies chart. Record a name of this strategy (e.g., using ten, making ten, using doubles) and place these facts near that name. You may need to add chart paper. Repeat this process for other reasoning strategies. As the class rearranges the cards, some students may decide that some addition facts can be placed under more than one strategy.

  • Can you use more than one strategy for some of these facts? (Possible response: For 9 + 9, you can use the using ten strategy. I know 10 + 9 = 19, so 9 + 9 = 18. I could also use the doubles. I know 8 + 8 = 16 so 9 + 9 is two more or 18.)

Compare to Addition Strategies Menu. Display and ask students to refer to the Addition Strategies Menu for the Facts in the Student Activity Book. See Figure 5. Ask students to compare the Addition Strategies Menu for the Facts to the strategies they collected on the charts.

  • What is the same?
  • What is different?
  • Are there any strategies that you would like to add or change? (Possible response: Doubles and adding zero are reasoning strategies that are not on the chart. Adding zero is a reasoning strategy because we know that adding zero doesn't change the number.)
  • Are there strategies on the menu that were not on our charts?

Have students add other strategies they think of to the Another Strategy box on the menu or to the back of the menu.

Counting up to solve 6 + 1
Charts showing addition facts sorted by strategy
Sample strategies for 6 + 6, 6 + 7, and 9 + 5