lesson 5

Make Ten

Est. Class Sessions: 2–3

Developing the Lesson

Part 1: Visualize Ten

Play Ten Frame Flash. Use the two sets of the 0–10 Small Ten Frame Cards Masters you prepared to play Ten Frame Flash with students. Place one ten frame on the display with the display off. Flash the display on and then quickly turn it off.

  • What number did I just show you?
  • How do you know?

Show the ten frame again to help discuss strategies students are using to figure out what number is showing. Repeat this process several times with a single ten frame. Then continue by showing a ten frame of ten and a ten frame of any other number. See Figure 1.

Next, progress to showing two cards that may not include a ten card. For example, show ten frames showing 7 and 5.

  • What number did I just show you?
  • How did you decide?

Some students will easily recognize the number on the ten frame and others will require more experience. Encourage students to develop strategies for "seeing" ten and "seeing" what is needed to finish filling the ten frame. See Content Note.

Ten frames help students develop a visual model of ten and the partitions of ten. To aid in this development, ten frames need to be filled consistently. The first row is filled from left to right and then the second row from left to right.

Connect Make-Ten Strategy to Ten Frames. Display the Jordan's Work Master. Ask students to work in pairs to determine what Jordan did to solve the problem. Tell them to discuss what steps Jordan took and to be ready to explain Jordan's strategy to the class. See the Sample Dialog. On the display, list Jordan's steps as the class gives them to you. See Figure 2 for a sample list.

Direct students' attention to the Seeing Ten pages in the Student Activity Book as you display the first page. Use the example to show students how to complete the chart. As students work independently, they will practice Jordan's strategy of making ten to add.

  • Tell me how you solved [6 + 5].
  • What number did you need to make ten?
  • How did you figure that out?

Assign the See Ten and Add Homework Masters after Part 1.

Use this Sample Dialog to discuss the strategy shown on Jordan's Work Master.

Teacher: What do you think Jordan's strategy was? What do you think his first step was?

Irma: He put them all together into a ten frame.

Teacher: Yes, that's right, Jordan used a ten frame, but how did he use that ten frame? What do you think he did first? What numbers is he showing with his dots and Xs?

Irma: First he did the dots. That's six.

Teacher: Then what did he do, Irma?

Irma: He put in the Xs but there wasn't enough room for them all so he had one left over.

Teacher: What do you think he did then?

Irma: He counted them and got 11.

Teacher: Yes, he might have counted them all. Did he need the ten frame if he was going to count them all one by one?

Irma: No, he could have just counted on his fingers.

Teacher: I think so, too. If he were just counting all, he could have used his fingers. So, why do you think he used a ten frame? How does a ten frame help us?

Keenya: It tells us where ten is. When we have a lot of numbers and we put them in ten frames, then we know where the tens are.

Teacher: That's good, Keenya. Can you say a little more about that? How does knowing where the tens are help us?

Keenya: It's easy to add ten. You don't have to count. You just have to know what's extra. Like with Jordan, there's one left over after the ten. So you know it's 11. Ten plus one.

Teacher: Why did Jordan only put 4 Xs in the ten frame? Wasn't he adding 6 + 5, not 6 + 4?

Luis: But 5 wouldn't fit in the ten frame, only 4 will fit and there's one left over.

Linda: Yeah, 4 is the partner number for 6.

Teacher: Okay, but I still don't see how he can just put 4 into the ten frame. Isn't he adding 5? What did he do with the 5? Is 5 the same as 4?

Luis: No, it isn't. But 5 is the same as 4 plus 1. That's what he did. He made 5 into parts and he put one part in the ten frame.

Keenya: I get it. That's because 4 is the partner number for 6 to make 10. So that's why he made 5 into 4 + 1. So he could get the partner number for 6.

Teacher: This is very good, class. I like how you are thinking this through. Let's see if we can write all of Jordan's steps.

Different ways to use ten frame cards
A list of Jordan's steps to solve 6 + 5