Lesson 6

Use Doubles

Est. Class Sessions: 2

Developing the Lesson

Part 2: Develop Strategies for Doubles and Near Doubles

Use Ten Frames to See Doubles. For this part of the lesson you will need the display set of Doubles and Near Doubles Ten Frames Cards Masters. Show students the card that represents 5 + 5.

  • What addition problem is represented on this card? (5 + 5)
  • What is the sum? (10)
  • How can the ten frame help you find 10? (Possible response: I see two rows of five and that is ten.)

Now show students the card that represents 4 + 4.

  • What addition problem is represented on this card? (4 + 4)
  • What is the sum? (8)
  • Describe the strategy you used to find the sum? (Possible response: I see the 10 and 2 are missing. So 2 less than 10 is 8.)

Continue this discussion of strategies with other cards showing doubles. See Figure 7 for examples of strategies.

Use Ten Frames to See Near Doubles. Show students the card that represents 5 + 6.

  • What addition problem is represented on this card? (5 + 6)
  • What is the sum? (11)
  • Describe the strategy you used to find the sum. (Possible response: I see 10 and there is 1 more than 10 or 11.)
  • What double might help you solve this problem? (Possible response: I know 5 + 5 = 10 so 5 + 6 = 11; I know 6 + 6 = 12 so I know 5 + 6 is one less or 11.)

Continue this discussion of strategies with other cards showing near doubles. See Figure 8 for examples of strategies.

Give each group of four students a prepared set of the Doubles and Near Doubles Ten Frames Cards Masters. Each student takes a card from the set and the remaining cards are placed in the middle of the table. Then each student finds the sum on his or her card and shares the strategy for finding the sum. Have students take turns sharing their problem and strategy. Ask groups to repeat this process by selecting different cards.

Asking students to work in larger groups allows them to hear more diverse strategies, but if this organization is not productive, students could work with a partner.

Practice Solving Doubles and Near Doubles. Display the Doubles and Near Doubles Bump Game Board and Doubles and Near Doubles Bump Spinners from the Doubles and Near Doubles Bump pages in the Student Activity Book. Place the spinner or a paper clip and pencil on the desk near the display and have connecting cubes available to demonstrate how to use them to solve problems if necessary. Select a student volunteer to help you demonstrate the game. After demonstrating a few turns, distribute materials to student pairs and have students play the game.

Collect the pieces to the Doubles and Near Doubles Bump game. Students will have an opportunity to play this game again in the Workshop in Lesson 9.

Strategies for solving doubles using ten frames
Strategies for solving near doubles using ten frames