Lesson 4

Addition with Triangle Flash Cards

Est. Class Sessions: 1

Summarizing the Lesson

Discuss strategies for solving the addition facts in Groups A–B by writing the following facts on the board.

1 + 1, 2 + 1, 3 + 2, 4 + 2, 2 + 2, 4 + 1, 5 + 3, 4 + 0

This is a sample of the facts in Groups A and B. Ask students to choose a fact and tell their partner how they would solve it. Once they have finished, ask them to repeat this process with another fact.

  • Show or tell how to solve 4 + 2. (Possible response: I thought about a number line and counted on from 4; I counted on from 4 in my head.)
  • What other facts did you solve the same way? (Possible response: 5 + 3, 2 + 2, 2 + 1)
  • What should this strategy be called? (Possible responses: Jill's strategy; counting on)
  • What other facts on these charts might you solve by counting on?
  • What tools can help us count on? (Possible responses: a number line, counters, a ten frame)
  • When you count on, how do you decide which number to put in your head? (Possible responses: I always start with the larger number and then count on the smaller number.)

Find these facts on the cards on the Counting Strategies and Reasoning Strategies charts from Lesson 3. Move the cards showing these facts together on the chart and label the group of facts "Counting On."

  • What is 32 + 2? (34)
  • What is 53 + 1? (54)
  • What strategy did you use? (Possible response: Counting on again. The numbers are just larger.)

Discuss Strategies for Facts with Zero. Discuss strategies for thinking about solving facts with zero.

  • How did you solve 4 + 0? (Possible responses: I thought of a story. I have 4 flowers and did not add anymore so I still have 4 flowers.)
  • Look at the cards with zeros. What happens when you add zero to a number? (Zero plus any number is that number.)
  • What is 32 + 0? (32) 53 + 0? (53) 206 + 0? (206)
  • Write an addition story for 0 + 3. (Possible response: I had 0 pieces of candy. My mom gave me 3 pieces. Then I had three pieces of candy. 0 + 3 = 3)
  • Write a different addition story for 0 + 3. (Possible response: I had 3 pieces of candy and asked for more. Mom said I had enough and gave me 0 more. I still had only 3 pieces of candy. 3 + 0 = 3)
  • Write a subtraction story for 3, 0, and 3. Tell a number sentence to match your story. (Possible response: I had 3 pieces of candy and didn't share any. I still had 3 pieces of candy. 3 − 0 = 3)

Find the facts that involve adding zero on the cards on the Counting Strategies and Reasoning Strategies charts from Lesson 3. Move the cards together on the chart and label the group of facts "Zero."