lesson 5

Make Ten

Est. Class Sessions: 2–3

Summarizing the Lesson

Sort Strategy Cards. Direct students' attention to the Counting and Reasoning Strategies charts made in Lesson 3. Ask students to find cards that show facts that make ten or they might use a make-ten strategy to solve. Remove the cards and place them together on a new chart labeled "Make Ten."

  • Use the make-ten strategy to solve 8 + 4. (Possible response: 8 + 2 is 10 so 8 + 4 is 2 more than 10 or 12.)
  • Use the make-ten strategy to solve 7 + 5. (Possible response: I split 5 in to 3 + 2. 7 + 3 + 2 = 10 + 2 or 12.)

Play Make Ten. Use a display of the Make Ten Master and four prepared sets of the Number Cards 0–10 Master you prepared to demonstrate the game. Remind students that they can use more than two cards to make ten. Have copies of the 8 Ten Frames Master readily available if students need help visualizing ten while playing the game.

Organize students into pairs to play Make Ten.

  • What strategies are you using to find the partner to ten?
  • Does the ten frame help you visualize ten?
  • Are there other tools that can help you visualize ten? (Possible response: The number line can help. I think about the number of hops from ten.)