Addition Strategies Seminar
Est. Class Sessions: 2Developing the Lesson
Part 2: Practicing Addition Strategies
Discuss Addition Strategies and Tools. Display the Here's What I Thought Master. Point out the school supply items and their prices. Ask students to choose two items to buy and use a strategy to find the sum of the items. Ask for different strategies and use the speech balloons to record the thinking of individual students. Figure 6 shows possible strategies and tools for solving 9¢ + 8¢.
Encourage discussion of the different strategies by asking questions similar to the following:
Repeat this discussion with other problems based on the school supply prices. If students need ten frames or a number line to show their thinking, ask them to use the Show Your Strategy Card Display Master and then record their thinking in a speech bubble.
Practice Strategies. After discussing students' strategies for adding numbers, have students complete the Jason's Club Meeting pages in the Student Activity Book. Remind students to explain the addition strategies they used to solve each problem and to write number sentences. Have ten frames, number lines, and connecting cubes readily available.
Upon completion, ask student volunteers to explain their strategies for solving the problems. Encourage other students to look carefully at each solution, ask questions, and offer different strategies. As a class, discuss the solution strategies and whether the answers are reasonable.