Lesson 6

Use Doubles

Est. Class Sessions: 2

Summarizing the Lesson

Sort Doubles with Near Doubles. Give each student pair a prepared set of Doubles and Near Doubles Ten Frames Cards Masters. Have students find all the cards that show doubles and lay them face up on the desk. Tell students that they should have the near doubles cards face down in a pile. Students start with the top card in the pile and choose the double that would help them solve the near double. For example, 6 + 6 would help you solve 6 + 7.

  • Show me how [4 + 4] can help you solve [4 + 5].
  • Is there another fact that might help you?

Assign the Solve Doubles and Near Doubles pages in the Student Activity Book.

Use the Solve Doubles and Near Doubles pages in the Student Activity Book to assess students' abilities to use mental math strategies and reasoning strategies to solve addition problems [E2]; and represent addition situation using drawings, number sentences, and ten frames [E1].

The Workshop in Lesson 9 provides targeted practice on these Expectations.

Sort Strategy Cards. Direct students' attention to the Reasoning Strategies charts from Lesson 3. Ask students to find all the cards that show facts that are doubles and near doubles. Remove the cards and place them together on a new chart labeled "Use Doubles."

  • What facts can you use to solve 7 + 8? (Possible response: 7 + 7, 8 + 8)
  • How do these help you? (Possible response: The doubles are easy to remember, so I use the double to find the near double.)