Lesson 8

Solve Word Problems

Est. Class Sessions: 3

Developing the Lesson

Part 2: Know a Problem and Show Different Strategies

Discuss Different Types of Word Problems. Next display the penguin problem you prepared on the Show a Word Problem Master. Ask students to read the question and work with a partner to solve it. After students have had a few minutes to talk with their partners, refer to Math Practice 1, Know the problem, on the displayed Math Practices Reference page.

  • What is the question in this problem? (Possible response: the number of penguins in the colony before the babies were born)
  • What do you need to do to solve this problem? (Possible response: Subtract 4 from 13; figure out what I need to add to 4 get 13.)
  • What did you do to figure that out? (Possible response: We acted out the problem with connecting cubes; we drew a picture of the problem.)

Ask a few students to share and demonstrate how they know the problem. Then ask a few students to show how to represent this problem with a part-whole diagram. See Figure 4.

  • [Student name], can you show this problem with a part-whole diagram?
  • How did you decide where to put the 13 penguins? (Possible response: 13 penguins is the whole that is made up of the babies and other penguins in the colony.)
  • [Student name], can you show how you solved this problem?
  • [Student name], please show a different way to solve the same problem.
  • What is the question in this problem? (Possible response: How many more brown puppies are there than black puppies?)
  • What do you need to do to solve this problem? (Possible response: Compare 11 to 9; find the difference between 11 and 9.)
  • What did you do to figure that out? (Possible response: We acted out the problem with connecting cubes; we drew a picture of the problem.)

Ask a few students to share and demonstrate how they know the problem.

  • [Student name], can you show this problem with a part-whole diagram? (Possible response: No, this is not a part-whole problem. This is a compare problem. Neither number shows a whole or part.)
  • [Student name], can you show how you solved this problem?
  • [Student name], please show a different way to solve the same problem.

Practice Solving Word Problems with a Partner. Distribute a word problem, markers, and a copy of the Show a Word Problem Master to each pair of students. Use the animal word problems you prepared for each student pair on chart paper. Have scissors and tape or glue available for each pair of students as well.

Tell students that they are going to show or tell how to solve the problem on the chart paper. Remind students to use the strategies they listed earlier for how to get to know a word problem. Tell students to show one strategy for their problem. Others will have a chance to add other ways of solving the problem later.

  • What is the question in this problem? [Underline the question in the problem.]
  • What do you need to do to solve this problem?
  • What did you do to figure that out?
  • Tell me how you solved this problem.
  • How did you show that?
  • What tool might help you show how you solved the problem?

Students may choose a ten frame or number line. They can either draw the tool or use the one on the Show a Word Problem master you provided. Students can cut out the tool they used and glue or tape it to the chart paper.

As students complete their problems, display them around the room. Once most students are done, tell them that they are going to solve a different one of these problems. Assign each pair of students a different problem displayed. Tell them that they need to use a different strategy than the first pair of students. As students are working, circulate looking for interesting student strategies and for student responses that do not match.

  • Did you get the same answer as the first students?
  • Why do you think your answers do not match?
  • How did you get to know the problem?
  • What strategy did the first students use?
  • Did the first students show their work clearly enough for you?
  • What strategy did you use?
  • Do you think their work is clear?
  • What do you think needs to be added?
  • Do you think your work is clear?

Choose a few students to share how they got to know the problem and how they solved the problem. Leave these charts displayed for the next part of the lesson.

Practice Solving Different Word Problems. Display the first page of the Animal Trading Cards pages in the Student Activity Book. Tell students they will have a chance to practice solving problems while working with a partner. Explain that the problems are all about the trading cards displayed at the top of the page.

  • What is a trading card? (Possible response: a card you collect and trade with others)
  • How much does the pod of whales card cost? (5 cents)
  • What strategies can you use to solve addition and subtraction problems? (Possible response: make ten, count on, use doubles)

Remind students to refer to the Addition Strategies Menu for the Facts and the Subtraction Strategies Menu for the Facts they built earlier in the unit. These can also be found in the Student Activity Book Reference section.

Have students work in pairs on the Animal Trading Cards pages and show or explain how they solved the problems. For Question 6, students explain how to finish solving a problem, and for Question 7, students determine whether or not a problem was solved correctly. See Sample Dialog 2 for a discussion of these two problems.

Use the sample dialog to guide your discussion of Questions 6–7 on the Animal Trading Cards pages in the Student Activity Book.

Teacher: How would you help Nicholas find the answer for Question 6? What do you think of the way he started to solve the problem?

Miguel: I think he started the problem the right way because the problem said that Kim had 17¢ and he started at 17 on the number line. She had a dime left over, so Nicholas found 10 on the number line. I think the next step is to count back from 17 to 10 to see how much Kim spent: 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10 [holding up one finger for each number]. There are 7 numbers between 10 and 17. She bought a lion card.

Sarah: I did it a different way. I found 10 on the number line and drew a line from 0 to 10 to show how much she had left. Then I drew a line from 10 to 17 for the card she bought. I counted up from 10 to 17: 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17. The answer is 7. That's a lion card.

Faith: I used ten. I know that 10 + 7 = 17, so Kim spent 7¢ on a card.

Teacher: Those are excellent ways of solving the problem! Now let's look at Question 7. Did Emily solve the problem correctly?

Sam: The ant card costs 8¢. When Emily counted back, she started at 13 and she should have started at 12 because that's one back from 13. She counted the numbers instead of the spaces. She should have counted: 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5. She has 5¢ left and she can buy a whale card.

Fern: I used the part-whole diagram. I know that Nisha had 13¢ and that goes in the "whole" box. She bought an ant card that costs 8¢ and that goes in one of the "part" boxes. To find the other part, I counted up from 8 until I got to 13: 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. She has 5¢ left and she can buy a whale card.

Teacher: Good thinking, Sam and Fern! Remember to make sure you use an efficient strategy that is quick and accurate. When you show your work, you can see what you did if you make an error.

It is important that students represent addition and subtraction on tools and explain their reasoning. Strategies and tools that students are learning with smaller numbers will be extended to operations with multidigit numbers in later units. Students who are already fluent with single-digit addition and subtraction should still take time to represent the operations on the number line or other tools so they become familiar with these representations.

For students who are still developing efficient strategies for addition and subtraction facts, the number line, ten frame, and part-whole diagram serve as powerful tools to support student reasoning. Encourage these students to develop representations that make sense to them and that will help them visualize their reasoning about numbers and operations.

The animal group names are used on the trading cards, but they are not used in the problems. The word problems refer only to the names of the animals (e.g., whale and monkey). Language learners can match the animal names in the problems to the pictures on the cards.

Students who are interested in learning more about animal group names can read A Cache of Jewels and Other Collective Nouns by Ruth Heller.

Encourage students to use the tools to support their counting and reasoning strategies as they find the solutions. Remind students to use the Math Practices page to guide them as they solve the problems.

Upon completion, choose one or two problems to discuss as a class.

  • What is the question? What words and numbers do you need to answer the question?
  • Did you choose good tools and an efficient strategy?
  • How did you show your work?
  • What strategies might you use?
Ways of showing and solving 13 − 4 = 9
Ways of showing and solving 11 − 9 = 2