Lesson 5

Sorting Shapes

Est. Class Sessions: 2–3

Daily Practice and Problems

Teacher Notes

TIMS Challenge

Students will need the fraction pages in the Student Guide Reference section. This DPP item can be used as a Problem of the Week.

  1. 6 marbles
  2. 6 children are playing soccer
  3. 4 children
  4. 1/2 of the children
  5. 1/3 of the kittens
  6. 1/4 of the apples

R. Fraction Puzzles

  1. Eight marbles are on the table. One fourth of them rolled off. How many marbles are left on the table?
  2. Twelve children are in the park. One half of them are playing soccer. How many children are playing soccer?
  3. Six children brought sandwiches for lunch. Two-thirds of the children have peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. How many children have peanut butter and jelly?
  4. Eight children are on the playground. Four of the children are wearing tennis shoes. What fraction of the children are wearing tennis shoes?
  5. Six kittens are playing. Two of the kittens are playing with a ball of string. What fraction of the kittens are playing with the ball of string?
  6. Four children brought an apple for lunch. Three of the children brought a red apple, and one child brought a green apple. What fraction of the apples are green?