Lesson 3

Many Ways to Show a Decimal

Est. Class Sessions: 1–2

Daily Practice and Problems

Teacher Notes


    1. 2 cm
    2. 32 mm
    3. 5 dm
    4. 2 m
    5. These two are equal.
    6. 87 cm
  1. Answers will vary.

Possible response for 1D: There are 100 cm in a meter, so 2 meters will be 200 cm. That is longer than 180 cm.

J. Which Length Is Longer?

  1. Use a meterstick, bits, and skinnies to help you answer the following. Remember, one bit is one centimeter (cm) long. One skinny is 10 cm or 1 decimeter (dm) long.
    Circle the measurement that is longer.
    1. 2 cm or 11 mm
    2. 32 mm or 3 cm
    3. 5 dm or 45 cm
    4. 2 m or 180 cm
    5. 3 dm or 300 mm
    6. 87 cm or 8 dm
  2. Choose one of the questions and explain your strategy for solving it.