Lesson 1

Invented Strategies

Est. Class Sessions: 2–3

Developing the Lesson

Part 2: Sorting Sums

Show students the Addition Cards for Larger Sums 1–3 and tell them they are going to work in pairs and sort the cards by their sums as they did in Unit 6. Remind students that a sum is the answer to an addition problem or the result when two numbers are combined. Use the Sorting Mat for Larger Sums and the prepared set of addition cards to model the activity. See Materials Preparation. Encourage students to choose tools (connecting cubes, number lines, ten frames) and other strategies to help them sort the cards.

Give students who may be overwhelmed with the task of sorting all 30 cards a smaller set. Choose problems based on students' needs. Here are some examples:
  • For students who need practice counting on instead of counting all, give them cards in which they will add on 1, 2, or 3.
  • To review using patterns adding ten to a number, give them cards with 10 + 1, 10 + 2, 10 + 3, etc.
  • To encourage students to use doubles, give them a set of cards that lend themselves to this strategy, i.e., 5 + 6,
    6 + 6, 6 + 7, 7 + 7, 8 + 7, 8 + 8, 9 + 8, 9 + 10, and
    10 + 10.
  • For students who are having trouble "seeing tens" so that they can use the making ten strategy, have the students begin with the nines, i.e., 9 + 2, 9 + 3, etc.

Talk with student pairs as they work to assess their reasoning and use of strategies for solving addition problems. Use this opportunity to discuss their strategies and prompt students to move to more efficient strategies.

  • I see that you used connecting cubes to add 9 + 2. Try using the number line to do that faster. Where could you start? (Start at 9 and make 2 jumps.)
  • You said you used doubles to add 5 + 6. What did you mean? (Possible response: I know that 5 + 5 =10, so one more is 11.)
  • [Tanya], can you use [Jacob's] doubles strategy to solve 7 + 6?
  • You said that 8 + 3 = 12. Tell me how you solved it.
  • When you solve 9 + 5, what do you see in your head? Do you see a way to make a ten? (Possible response: I think about the number line starting at 9. It takes one more to get to ten. Then I go 4 more to get to 14.)

When students have completed their charts, ask students how they sorted the facts. Have individual students place the addition cards on the class chart and discuss the results. Use prompts to probe students' thinking and move them toward using more efficient strategies. Add new strategies to the Invented Strategies chart.

  • Do you see a ten in the problem? Show me.
  • What is the partner number with 9 [8, 7, 6] that makes ten?
  • How can you make a ten with 9 [8, 7, 6]?
  • If you take [one] from _____ to make ten, what will be left over to add to the ten?
  • Does making a ten help you solve the problem? How?
  • Is the fact near a double? What double?
  • Is the sum more than the double or less than the double?
  • Are you going to add [one] more or subtract [one] from the double?

Some students may already know the addition facts in this lesson. As you discuss students' strategies for placing sums in particular groups, challenge students to use the same strategies with larger numbers and sums. For example, if students can solve 9 + 5 or 8 + 5 and explain their strategy, ask them to apply the same strategy to solve 29 + 5 or 18 + 5.
Sample table of variables and values
A completed chart for sorting addition cards