Lesson 6

Thinking about Number Sentences

Est. Class Sessions: 2

Summarizing the Lesson

  • Joe Schmoe says that 15 − 2 = 16 − 1 is a true number sentence. What would you tell him? Talk to a partner first, then share your thoughts with the class. (Possible responses: Joe is incorrect. For a number sentence to be true, both sides have to be equal. If I start at 15 and count back 2, I get 13. If I start at 16 and count back 1, I get 15. They are not the same.)
  • Joe's sister Jane is finding missing numbers. She says that 15 = 9 + 1 + 5 is a true number sentence. Do you agree? How do you know? (yes; Possible response: You can put 9 and 1 together to make 10 and then count on 5 more: 11, 12, 13, 14, 15.)
  • How many more true sentences can you write for 15 = _______? Use your tools to help. (Some possible responses: 15 = 10 + 5; 15 = 9 + 6; 15 = 16 − 1; 15 = 7 + 7 + 1)