How Many in the Bag
Est. Class Sessions: 2–3Summarizing the Lesson
After the last round, pose and demonstrate the following problem with a bag and counters:
Display the following number sentence:
Choose a strategy from the Invented Strategies chart and ask students to solve the problem using this strategy. Have a volunteer share his or her solution. See Sample Dialog 2 for a sample discussion where students use strategies that involve using doubles, ten frames, and decomposing numbers to solve 20 − 11.
Next, change the format of the question. Demonstrate the following problem:
Choose another strategy from the chart, possibly one that involves using fact families, and ask students to use it to solve the problem. Have a volunteer share his or her solution. Ask students to identify what the numbers in the number sentence mean. Continue practicing with other subtraction situations involving 20 counters in the bag, an unknown number of counters taken out, and a known number left in the bag.
Assign the It Is in the Bag Homework Master to provide more practice with subtraction situations where students must find unknown numbers.