Lesson 3

Number Sentences

Est. Class Sessions: 2–3

Summarizing the Lesson

Solve to Find Unknowns. Give students a few open number sentences with more than one addend on each side of the equal sign. Have some sentences reflect base-ten partitions of a number and the others reflect other partitions. For example:

  1. 20 + 17 = n + 7
  2. 36 + 8 = n + 9
  3. (5 × 100) + (4 × 10) + 3 = 500 + n + 3
  4. 300 + n + 12 = 200 + 120 + 2
  5. 112 + 32 = 110 + n

Have students work in pairs to solve the problems and determine the unknowns. As discussed previously, do not direct students to strategies or a series of formal steps. When students finish, ask volunteers to explain their strategies and show their solution paths on the board. Encourage other students to ask questions or make comments. After one student has explained his or her strategy, ask another student to explain the strategy in his or her own words. Ask students to solve additional problems using a particular student's strategy. See the Sample Dialog.

After the discussion, ask students to solve the following problem individually.

100 + 70 + n = 200 + 80 + 5

Show What I Think. Have students explain their thinking as Tanya and Romesh did in the Student Guide pages. Students write their explanations in the speech bubble on the What I Think Master and draw and color their own faces and hair on the silhouette. Remind them of Math Practices Expectation 5 on the Math Practices page in the Student Guide Reference section:

Show my work. I show or tell how I arrived at my answer so someone else can understand my thinking.
  • What does the Expectation remind you to do to explain your thinking? (Show your steps)
  • How will you show your thinking? With words? Number sentences? Other ways?

Have students work individually to solve the problem and fill in the thought bubble. Have partners read one another's “thoughts” and ask questions until both partners understand both explanations. Ask them to revise their explanations based on their partners' questions. As students work, ask two or three students to share their solutions on displays with the class. Choose different representations such as words, number sentences, or number lines. Have students ask questions of the presenters to clarify the explanations.

Teacher: Jerome, can you show how you solved Problem A, 20 + 17 = n + 7?

Jerome: It was easy. I thought of the number line. If you start at 20 and hop 10 and 7 you get to 37. So then it was easy to see that n has to be 30 because 30 + 7 is 37.

Teacher: Why did you hop 10 and 7?

Jerome: Because 10 and 7 is 17. And it's always easier to hop the tens first.

Teacher: Very good. Did anyone solve it a different way?

Linda: I just added 20 and 17 and I got 37. Then I subtracted 7 from 37 and got 30.

Teacher: Why did you subtract 7 from 37?

Linda: Because I knew it had to be a number that when you add it to 7 it will be 37.

Teacher: So why didn't you add?

Linda: Because I didn't know what the number was yet. I had to subtract to find it out.

Teacher: How does subtracting help you find the number?

Shannon: I know! It's like fact families. It's like it makes it go backward. Subtracting is the opposite of adding and adding is the opposite of subtracting.

Teacher: Linda, do you agree?

Linda: Yes, Shannon is right.

Teacher: Yes, you are both correct. Subtraction and addition are what are called inverse operations. Subtracting will undo addition and adding will undo subtraction. If we think of it as a fact family, what would the number sentences be?

Linda: 30 + 7 = 37 and 37 − 7 = 30.

Teacher: How did you solve Problem B?

Michael: At first it looked hard, but then I saw that 9 is just one more than 8. So m has to be one more than 36. So m is 37.

Leah: But that's not right.

Teacher: What do you mean, Leah? Are you saying it doesn't make a true statement?

Leah: No, it doesn't, because if you add 36 + 8 you get 44 and when you add 37 + 9 you get 46. So it's not true.

Michael: I still don't see why it doesn't work, though. Nine is just one bigger than 8, so... Oh, I get it! If 9 is one bigger than 8, then the unknown number has to be one littler than 36. If it isn't, then they won't add to the same thing.

Teacher: That's right, Michael. That was good reasoning. I like how you first looked at the numbers in the problem to see if there was an easier way to solve it. It just took you a few tries to figure out how to use the pattern.

Teacher: Look at Problem E and try to solve it like Michael solved Problem B.

Select Practice for Number Lines and Number Sentences. Distribute the feedback you prepared for each student on Check-In: Questions 11–14. Refer students to the Practice Menu on the Number Lines and Number Sentences page in their Student Activity Book. Have students think about the questions in the left-hand column of the menu. Ask students to review their work on Check-In: Questions 11–14, your feedback, and other work from Lessons 1 and 2 to decide which problems to choose from the following groups:

  1. Students who are “working on it” and need some extra help should circle the problem set marked with a triangle (). These problems provide scaffolded support for developing the essential underlying concepts as well as some opportunities for practice.
  2. Students who are “getting it” and just need more practice should circle the problem set marked with a circle (). These problems mainly provide opportunities to practice with some concept reinforcement and some opportunities for extension.
  3. Students who have “got it” and are ready for a challenge or extension should circle problems marked with a square (). These problems provide some practice and then move into opportunities for extension.

Check students' choices to see how well they match your own assessment of their progress on the related Expectation(s). Help students make selections that will provide the kinds of practice they need.

Ask students to complete the appropriate problems as homework. Remind students to adjust their choices from the menu if problems seem too easy or too difficult.

If individual students have trouble getting started on the problem on the What I Think Master, ask:

  • What are you trying to find out? (What n has to be to make the number sentence true.)
  • What has to be true about both sides of the number sentence? (Both sides have to equal the same number.)
  • How are both sides alike? (They both add hundreds, tens, and ones.)
  • How are the sides different? (The ones are missing from the left side. The numbers are different.)
  • How can you use that to help you decide what to put in place of n to make the number sentence true?

After reviewing feedback on Check-In: Questions 11–14 ask students to Self-Check their progress on the expectations below using the Practice Menu on the Number Lines and Number Sentences pages in the Student Activity Book.

Show that different partitions of the same number are equal using base-ten pieces, number lines, and number sentences (e.g., 200 + 30 + 7 = 200 + 20 + 17).
Represent and solve addition problems using base-ten pieces and number lines.
Represent and solve subtraction problems using base-ten pieces and number lines.