Lesson 4


Est. Class Sessions: 2–3

Summarizing the Lesson

Have students look back at the Addition Strategies Menu in their Student Activity Books, while you show a display of the same page. Discuss the different strategies with the students.

  • Do you recognize all the strategies given?
  • Are there some that are unfamiliar?
  • Which is your favorite strategy to use? Why?
  • Do you know how to use all the strategies?
  • Do some strategies work better for some kinds of problems?
  • Can you give an example of a problem for which a mental math strategy would be most efficient? (Possible response: adding numbers that have ending zeroes or numbers that are close to numbers with ending zeroes, e.g., close to 100.)
  • Can you give an example of a problem for which a paper-and-pencil method would be most efficient? (Possible response: adding 3-digit numbers with no ending zeroes.)
  • Can you give an example of a problem for which a counting-up or number-line strategy would be most efficient? (Possible response: when one number is small, 1-digit or 2-digit, or when one number has ending zeroes or is close to a number with ending zeroes.)

Have students complete the Place Value and Addition Quiz from the Assessment Master in the Teacher Guide. Tell them they can refer to the Addition Strategies Menu while they work on the quiz.

Use the Place Value and Addition Quiz Assessment Master with Feedback Box to assess students' abilities on the following Expectations.

Show that different partitions of the same number are equal using base-ten pieces, number lines, and number sentences (e.g., 200 + 30 + 7 = 200 + 20 + 17) [E1], represent and solve addition problems using base-ten pieces and number lines [E2], solve addition and subtraction problems using mental math strategies (e.g., composing and decomposing numbers, counting up, and counting back) [E4], add multidigit numbers using paper-and-pencil methods (expanded form, all-partials, and compact) [E6], choose appropriately from among mental math, estimation, and paper-and-pencil methods to add and subtract whole numbers [E9], and estimate sums and differences [E11].

The Lesson 7 Workshop provides targeted practice.