Have the base-ten pieces available as reference for this discussion.
Have students answer the following two questions:
- Draw a number line and show how a base-ten hopper can start at 357 and land on 1000. Write a number sentence that shows your moves. (See Figure 2.)
- Draw another number line and show how a base-ten hopper can start at 567 and move forward 208. Where does the hopper land? (775)
For each question, ask several students to draw their number lines on the board and label the hops. Then ask them to write the name of the base-ten pieces that match above each hop. Finally, each student should write a number sentence to match his or her number line. See Figure 2. Students should write their names by their number lines.
Use prompts similar to the following to facilitate a discussion between the students who drew the number lines and the other students in the class.
- Describe the way that [student's name] hopper moved for the first question. Ask [student name] questions if it is not clear to you.
- Do the base-ten pieces [student name] wrote match his or her moves? Explain.
- Does [student name]'s number sentence match his moves? Why or why not?
- How are [student name]'s moves like [another student name]'s? How are they different?
- Did they use the same base-ten pieces?
- Did they use the same number of base-ten pieces? If not, who used more?
- Which way do you think is more efficient or easier to think about? Why?
- Use [student name]'s way to show how a base-ten hopper can go from 657 to 1000. Match your hops with base-ten pieces.
- Complete the number sentence: 657 +
= 1000.
- Describe the way [student name]'s hopper started at 567 and moved forward 208.
- Where did the hopper land?
- Do his or her base-ten pieces match the hops?
- Complete the number sentence: 567 + 208 =
- How is one number line like another? How are they different?
- Do they use the same base-ten pieces? The same number of pieces?
- Which method do you like better?
- Use the method that you like best to show how a base-ten hopper can start at 537 and move forward 189. Try to use as few hops as possible. Mark which base-ten pieces match your hops. (See Figure 3 for a possible response.)
- Complete the number sentence: 537 + 189 =
. (726)
- Write the other three numbers sentences in the same family. (189 + 537 = 726; 726 − 537 = 189; 726 − 189 = 537)