Lesson 4


Est. Class Sessions: 2–3

Developing the Lesson

Part 1. Sharing Addition Strategies

Write the following problems on the board or on chart paper.

35 + 70
173 + 238
113 + 11
199 + 202
637 + 229
240 + 110
145 + 109
231 + 234
327 + 102
275 + 125

  • Look carefully at these problems. Do not solve them yet, but instead talk with a partner. Which problems do you think are easy? Which are hard? Why?
  • Can you use mental math to solve some or would you need to use a paper-and-pencil method? Which ones?
  • Why do you think a particular problem is hard or easy?

Students proficient in one of the paper-and-pencil methods may argue that all the problems are easy. In that case, use the terms paper-and-pencil methods and mental math. Make two columns on the board or on chart paper, as shown in Figure 1. Have students decide in which column they would place each problem. If students disagree about the placement of a problem, you can place it in both columns or make a third column labeled “Both.”

Mental Math. Mental math strategies are not necessarily strategies completely done in your head. Mental math strategies are those that ask students to think about the numbers they are using and find partitions that can be worked with easily. For example:

153 + 227 = 150 + 225 + 3 + 2 = 375 + 5 = 380.

Mental math strategies also help students develop number sense and place value concepts and help build estimation skills. Proficiency and flexibility take time to develop.

See the Mental Math section in Mathematics in this Unit for more information.

Once students have sorted the problems, choose a few problems and ask students to solve them. Choose problems that may lend themselves to mental math or number line strategies as well as paper-and-pencil methods. Tell students you want to make a list of possible strategies and challenge them to use as many different methods and strategies as possible. Have base-ten pieces available.

As students complete the problems, identify those who will share their strategies with the class. Some students will use strategies they have learned (e.g., expanded form) and others will invent strategies (e.g., thinking money). Try to select a variety of strategies. Ask selected students to record their strategy on a piece of chart paper and to name the strategy they used. See the sample dialog and Figure 2 for strategy examples.

Lead a class discussion about the different strategies used to solve the problems. Ask the selected students to share the solutions they recorded on chart paper. Then post the solutions around the classroom for use later in this lesson.

Teacher: Who wants to show how they solved 145 + 109? Leah?

Leah: I used the number line. [Leah points to the hops as shown in Figure 2.] I started at 145, hopped 100 to 245. Then I hopped 10 to 255. Then I had to hop back one because it was 109, not 110. So my answer is 254.

Jerome: I did it in my head, not on a number line. I knew that 145 plus 100 would be 245. To add 9, I thought in my head that adding 9 is like adding 10, except you subtract 1. So 245 plus 10 is 255, and subtracting 1 makes 254.

Teacher: Leah and Jerome, do you see anything similar between your two methods?

Leah: My way was easier because it's easier when I can see it.

Teacher: I agree that it can be easier when you can see it and not keep it all in your head. What do you think, Jerome?

Jerome: I think they are the same. When Leah was telling her way, I was like, “I did the same thing!” It's just that I didn't draw the hops. But I added the same way—first 100, then 10, then subtract 1.

Teacher: That's interesting, Jerome. Leah, do you agree with Jerome that your two methods are very similar?

Leah: Yes, I guess I do. But do I need to do it in my head? I get confused when I do that.

Teacher: No, it can be very helpful to jot down a few notes when you are solving a problem. Drawing hops on a line helps keep track of your thinking. So let's write “using the number line” and we'll call that “Leah's strategy.” We can say another strategy is “mental math,” and we'll call that “Jerome's strategy.” I'll write your thinking in a thought bubble to show you didn't write it down.

Teacher: How about 275 + 125? Who can show how they solved that problem?

Nick: I used a paper-and-pencil method, but I can't remember the name.

Teacher: That's okay. Can you show us what you did?

[See Nick's solution in Figure 2.]

Teacher: That's good, Nick. That doesn't take much writing. We will call it the compact method.

Nick: When I got all the zeros, it looked funny, so I looked back at the problem. I guess I didn't have to do it like I did.

Teacher: Could you have solved it differently, Nick?

Nick: Well, now when I look at it, I see that I have 75 and 25 and I already know that's 100. So it would have been easier if I had just done 200 plus 100 plus 100, which is 400.

Teacher: That's good insight, Nick. Did anyone else notice what Nick noticed about the 75 and 25?

Ana: I did. I like to look and see if the problem is like money, you know, like quarters and fifty cents. Then it's real easy to do.

Roberto: I did, too, but it made me think of the number line, not money. I just hopped by 25s.

Teacher: Good thinking, Ana and Roberto. It's always a good idea to first look at the numbers being added, to see if there might be an easy way of adding. Let's write another strategy on the board—thinking about money—and call it “Ana's strategy.” We'll also write “Nick's strategy,” the compact “method,” and Roberto's is the same as Leah's—using a number line.

For ease of reference, we refer to the traditional algorithm for addition taught in the United States as the compact method.

Sorting the problems
Sample Addition Strategies from sample dialog